curiosity killed the cat (Diavolo)

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Your lungs screamed for air as you ran, your body begged you to stop but you had to get away from that mad man as soon as possible. You danm well knew that you had buried your own grave when you began trying to investigate the mysterious Don of Passioné but with a group of vengeful assassins threatening the lives of your family it had become impossible to decline such orders.

You ran though the dark streets, knowing well your pursuer wasn't far behind.
"Why won't you just leave me alone!" You screamed, then it happened he appeared from the shadows and his arms grabbed you in an aggressive manner.
"Trust me, if you hadn't of started prying into my life then maybe I would have" he retorted as he slammed your body into a wall and covered your mouth. His long pink hair tickled your skin in the light breeze, like tendrils reaching out to grasp you.

He looked into your eyes, almost entrapped by their beauty until they diverted their attention to something else. A frown formed onto his molberry coloured lips. His emerald green eyes followed yours, he glared at the young male watching the events that were about to unfold. However his life was cut short by a deadly blow from his King crimson.

Thought his hand you tried to scream until you could feel his nails digging into your cheek.
"Your eyes are so beautiful, to bad I'll have to dispose of them the next time you misbehave" he cooed before knocking you out.


You woke up with a pounding headache, the room seeming to spin around you. Your body laid on a soft king size bed with a darkly coloured mattress that matched the dark fabric that was draped across the oak frames that obscured your view of the room. You sat up only to notice a cold and heavy restraint on you right ankle that bound you to the bed.

You flinched as you heard a door open and footsteps approach. Your chest felt heavy with a sense of dread, however you were somewhat relived to see a young pink haired teen push back the fabric.
"Good morning (Y/n), I brought you breakfast" the young man chirped as placed a tray in front of you, on it was a crapé with whipped cream and berries on the side.

"You look so confused, what the matter?" He asked you.
"Where am I?" You murmured.
"I can't tell you that or else the boss will have to kill you" he spoke in a oddly sweet tone that only seemed to make what he said all the more terrifying.

"If you're not going to awnser my first question then why am I here?" You asked. The males expression became more stern before he spoke and for a moment you swore his eyes had turned from hazel to green.
"You knew to much" he said in a cold tone
"your quite lucky that the boss decided to keep you alive for this long..." he continued his voice seemed to get deeper with each word. His body slowly began to change, you felt a shiver go down your spine as you watched the male's body grow and develop, his hair unraveled from it's ponytail and his eyes turned into an emerald green again.

"The last two people that tried to reveal my identity had a less the pleasurable experience" he said as if it was a joke but you knew deep down he was deadly serious.
"I'm fully aware of that" you mumbled.
"What do you intend to do with me?" You continued. He picked up the tray from the bed and placed it on the bedside table before sitting beside you.
"It's your choice really, you tell me who hired you now or I'll get the information out of you though over means" he spoke in a sly tone.
"I can't tell you..." You mumbled, accepting the fact that you were going to die wether you told him or not.

"Quite defiant aren't we, I'll give you one more chance... Tell me who hired you?" He asked again with a stern tone as he pushed you back down on the mattress.
"It doesn't matter, either way I'm going to die" you replied in a monotone voice, desperately trying to hide all of the fear that was building up inside of you.
"I'm not going to kill you dear, I've attempted to so many times before but they all failed, I've come to accept that your going to be part of my life wether I like it or not" he cooed as he removed his tie. You looked at him in shock, you couldn't process what he had just said. He looked over you as he grabbed another cuff and forced your wrist into it before locking it.
"What?" You whimpered under his grasp.
"I think that you and I are ment to be" said as he leaned and kissed you however he cut short when you slapped him with your free hand.
"What did I say I'd do if you misbehaved?" He asked as he pulled back, feeling his cheek where a red mark was slowly appearing.

You felt a lump form in your throat, you had completely forgotten.
"Please no! Don't do it! I swear I'll tell you what you want to know!" you screamed as you flailed wildly. Despite your flailing he had still managed to put the last two cuffs around your limbs before grabbing the utensils from the tray.
"Now (Y/n)... Which one do you want me to use?" he said in a slow, teasing manner as he leaned over you again.
"None... I'm sorry, I'll tell you everything just don't do it!"
"I could care less about what you can tell me right now, I need to teach you a lesson" he growled.
"which one do you want me to use?" He continued.

You felt your mouth go dry and sweat forming on your body as he help the utensils in front of you. You swollowed what little saliva you had in your mouth before responding.
"The... The spoon..." You mumbled. A small smile formed on his lips as he placed the fork and knife to the side before wrapping his tie around your mouth until it formed into a tight gag.

For a moment he just watched as you coward beneath him before methodically bring the spoon closer to your left eye, your eyes tightly shut in fear as you felt the cold silverware grazing your eyelid, small whimpers escaping your throat. He forced you eye open with his free hand before pushing the spoon under your eyeball. Your soft whimpers became screams in fear and pain as you felt it digging into your eye socket and slowly pushing your eyeball out of your socket.

Eventually your eyeball came out with a satisfying 'pop'. You cried as felt the air hitting your empty socket and blood slowly pouring down your face.
"I think you've learnt your lesson today but remember that next time it's your other eye" he said as he began to cut off your optic cord.

*1202 words*

I'd just like to leave a small rant here.

So the other day I was at the shops with my nan to help her buy groceries and all of a sudden I get shoved by some man and he said to me "move it C*not". I'm honestly appalled that somebody would even say such a thing in public and towards a female never the less.

I'm really sad that being polite to a lady has just become non existent. (Not saying that every guy is like this but it's just become part of society).

So yeah I'm just pissed of that the whole idea of being a gentleman has gone out the window...

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