(3xY/MxF/R) Triple treat (YUU, KYO, WIL)*ZOLA Project: Vocaloid*

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They were the ultimate boy band trio 'Zola project' and god were they amazing. YUU was the young, cute boy of the trio with his short blonde hair, fair skin and sparkling sapphires for eyes. He was like an adorable child. KYO was the handsome angel of the group with his silky brown hair and his brown eyes that shone in the light like tiger stones...he was perfection, WIL on the other hand was the sexy seductive demon of the group. He wasn't afraid to show off some of his tanned and toned body, his short black hair flowed with the breeze and a glance from his emerald green eyes were like a potent drug.

You were a fan but not to the extent of wanting to marry them. You knew in reality they wouldn't see anything in you... just an empty husk that would pay for anything with their names on, just too temporarily give the feeling that you were whole. Besides you already had a boyfriend.

You were in the city waiting for your friends to arrive. You looked at the time 9:30, your friends weren't going to be here until 10:00, well it's better then being early. You just decided to do a bit of window browsing. You were looking around headphones in listening to one of their songs. You stopped for a second to look at a dress it one of the shops and someone had walked into you making you fall to the ground.
"Hey! Watch where your going!" A familiar voice said.
"Hey, you should be a little more polite, at least say sorry" another familiar voice said obviously scalding the other but his voice was too cute too take seriously. You looked up to see them. YUU and KYO. YUU was wearing a pair light blue jeans and a light blue shirt and KYO was wearing black pants and a dark blue hoodie. They were even more beautiful in person, even in casual clothing.
"Fine! Sorry" KYO huffed and YUU held out his hand for you to grab, you took it and he pulled you up.
"Sorry about my friend, he has a stern personality" YUU said while elbowing KYO.
"And your ignorant and oblivious... migit!" KYO said lightly hitting YUU on the head.
"KYO you being such a Tsundere" you said before realizing what you said. YUU and KYO looked at you.
"Oh no, out of all the population it had to be a fan girl, KYO this is all your fault and now we're gonna have crazy ladies chasing us for our autographs, oh you wait until WIL hears about this" YUU said while punching him.
"I won't say anything, I'm a fan but I'm a casual fan, so don't worry, your secrets safe with me" you said trying to calm them down.
"Do you promise" YUU and KYO said in union.
"Yes I promise" you replied as another man walked up to the Duo.
"What's this... hanging out with a girl" the familiar man said grabbing YUU and KYO.
"WIL!" the three of you exclaimed.

You talked with the three boys about general stuff before going back to your meet up spot. When you saw your friends you didn't tell them about your chance encounter with the trio. You just kept it to yourself.

A few hours later you had opened the door to your house and walked in and your phone went off you picked up your phone to see a message on messager, you opened it up and it was a massage from YUU! You didn't hesitate to open it up.

YUU: thanks for not telling anyone so far. If you can continue keep it a secret that we're here we may give you some tickets.

You could tell this was them bribing you to not say anything but how could you refuse concert tickets.

Weeks later
YUU had actually continued talking to you and him had become friends. life was perfect, like a was a dream... until your boyfriend broke up with you.

YUU: that's terrible... he just broke up with you.
YUU: do you want to hang out with me tomorrow? Just thought it might help.

How could you refuse an offer from cute little YUU.

You: thank you. Your so sweet, of course YUU.
YUU: ok meet me at the city's train station at 10am.
You: ok, good night YUU.
YUU: good night (f/n), sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite ^U^

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