(Y!M)Loves me,Loves me not Pt1 (Narancia)*JoJosBizarreAdventure:VentoAureo*

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You woke up in the middle of the street, late at night.
"What the fuck happened?" You asked yourself. You felt your hands and legs cramp up, like a serious case of pins and needles. You looked at your hands and to your horror that metaphoric saying was literal. You had sewing needles covering them and small strands of string loosely hanging on your body. You let out a loud scream and they sunk into your skin, you looked at your chest to see a freshly stitched wound visible through your binder. You tightly gripped the old home made pendent that your childhood friend Narancia had made you.
'How did my life get to this, living on the street' you thought.

You started to backtrack through yesterday.

You had woken up to find £100 in your sleeping bag, brought some breakfast and went to the second hand store to buy some boys clothes. You then decided to buy a block of chocolate before heading to the prison and talking to a whale of a man who called himself Polpo. You told him that your name was Pasito (Pa•She•Tou) Roma and told him about your four years of homelessness and how you wanted to join Passioné. He gave you a rather... Strange task. In order to join you had to keep a lighter on for twenty four hours and return to him then and he would let you join.

You had managed to hid the lighter in your sleeve and had managed to get out before the fire got to out of hand, however the flame went out after
Three hours but how would he know if the lighter had gone out so you relight it. After that you blacked out and you woke up here.

You looked at your watch 11:54pm, you had been out for nine hours. You felt that strange feeling again and there those needles were again.

Suddenly it finally came to you. When you had relight the lighter an arrow had appeared in front of you and stabbed it's self inside of you.
'what fucking kind of joke was this!' you restrained yourself from screaming.


You eventually returned to Polpo and gave him the lighter back, which he rewarded you with the Passioné badge before sending you off with an address and a name, Bruno Buccellati.
'hope he gets a bullet to the head' you thought as you left.


After an hour of searching you had finally found the address, a small restaurant. That was closed. You knocked on the door and waited about ten seconds before it opened up. A tall black haired male stood in front of you, looking straight into you with an intimidating glare.
"Umm... Hello sir... I was wondering if... A Bruno Buccellati was here" you stuttered. Instantly his intimidating glare disappeared and a kind look replaced it.
"Yes, that would be me" he replied.
"Well, Polpo told me to come here, I just joined Passioné" you stated.
"You must be Pasito then, welcome. Come in I'll introduce you to the others" he said as he moved out of the way and lead you into a room with four other people, who were all preoccupied. A man with long white hair, wearing a full black outfit and dark make up on his face sipping tea next to another male wearing the weirdest outfit you had seen. A blue and white beanie, matching midriff jumper and a pair of tiger patterned pants eating pizza.

On another table were the other two. Another white haired male whose red suit looked like it had been thrown into a lion inclosure. And a familiar looking black haired male.

"Everyone! Can I have your attention" Bruno yelled and everyone turned to face you.
"This is Pasito Roma, he passed Polpo's test and has been assigned to work with us" he said as he gestured to you. You couldn't help but feel sweat dripping down your forehead. The easy part was fooling Polpo, however now this was the hard part, having to keep up with this persona that was established.
"I hope you all treat him kindly, he's had it rough for the past few years"

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