Pulling wool over the eyes pt2 (Riku)

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Riku's head was clouded with dark and disturbed thoughts, the trigger of emotions had finally been pulled. He had completely lost it. All that he could think about was you, your beauty and pureness. Crafted for the heavens you were, everybody wanted to tear you down, taint you, ruin you. Even your parents. He had to dispose of them before they had the chance to do so.

"(Y/N)! Riku's home!" Your mother called out. You left you room and pulled him into a hug.
"Riku, you're back earlier then I expected" you said while flashing him a smile. The sweet smile you gave him just pushed him further into the abyss of insanity but he had to hold on for a little longer, he just needed the perfect time to strike. He needed you asleep. He saw your mother in the kitchen cooking up dinner.
"Miss (L/N), I'll help you with that!" He said to her.
"Oh, how sweet of you Riku. I could use a little help in the kitchen" she chimed. You started to chuckle lightly.
"I didn't think you would help my mother with cooking" you teased him in the sweetest voice you could pull. He could feel his checks heat up and a shiver down his spine. You voice was enough to send him into ecstasy.

He had been cooking with your mother for quite a while. Dinner was almost complete when he decided to start his plan.
"I'm starting to get a headache, could I use some paracetamol" he asked her mother.
"Sure it's in the cupboard there" she said while pointing to one of the cupboards.
"I'm going to have a quick shower, could you plate up dinner, Riku" she asked his.
"Of course" he said as she walked out. As soon as she left he opened the cupboard and savaged through all the medication until he found what he was looking for, cold and flu medicine. He quickly looked at the back and read through the warnings before taking the medicine out and quickly crushing it up, he plated up dinner and sprinkled the now fine powder on your plate. He couldn't help but smile in satisfaction, his plan was coming along perfectly so far.

After eating dinner you had become very sleepy, even sleepier then you usually would be at this time.
"I'm gonna go to bed now" you told everyone.
"Goodnight" everyone said.
"Goodnight" you said as you walked into your room. You instantly jumped into bed an fell into a deep sleep, peacefully unaware of what was happening outside.

You woke up to the unsettling feeling that you were being watched.
"(Y/N), good morning... Or evening" you heard a familiar voice say as they hugged you, as your your cheek was pressed against his you felt a cold liquid on his face, that you assumed was water"
"Riku did you have a shower, if so you should dry yourself off better or you're gonna catch a cold" you scolded him. He felt a surge of bliss through his body as you said that. At this stage you had become his drug, someone that could send him into a state of euphoria.
"What did you say? I didn't hear you" he lied.
"If you don't dry yourself off properly, your gonna catch a cold" you repeated. You words were addictive to him.
"(Y/N) I've got to tell you something" he said to you.
"What?" You said in a concerned tone.
"While you were asleep, your parents left. They told me they were grabbing something but they've been gone for a whole day, I don't think they're coming back..." He said, pretending to actually care about them.
"What!" You yelled.
"They would never leave me behind, they would have come and told me if they were going out for a long time..." You began to rant.
"I don't know either... But don't worry, I'm here for you. Always" he said, emphasizing the 'always' part.

It had been 2 days your parents disappearance and at this point you were starting to believe the bad feeling that you had about them not coming back.
"(Y/N), It's been two days, I think you should have a bath" he said to you as you were laying in bed.
"But I can't bathe by myself, I could mess up the bottles, I could slip..." You started listing off all the problems.
"Well what if I helped you?" He suggested. Your face began to heat up with what he just said. At this point you didn't feel ready to show him your fully naked body, but you knew that if your parents weren't coming back then this would have to happen.

The bath had been made and he had helped you into the tub. You felt so flustered, he could see every inch of you. You had wanted to get to that stage but not in this point.
"Are you OK with me helping you wash up" he asked you. something was off with his voice but you let it slide, thinking it was just him trying not to sound flustered.
"OK" you said in a raspy tone as began to massage shampoo into your hair. He tilted your head back as he washed the shampoo out.
"If they don't come back, just remember that I'll be here by your side" he said as he kissed your forehead.
"I know... it's just... I can't believe that they would, just disappear" you murmured.
"I know, I didn't want to tell you this" He said as he began massaging the conditioner in.
"But I can't keep a secret from you..." He continued as he massaged soap across you're body, his touch felt so different then before. There was just something off about it.
"Your parents left a note... They ran away... They were in a massive debt from borrowing money for your school" he said. You began to shake, you felt tears threatening to stream down your face and sobs begin to escape your throat.
"(Y/N) dear, don't cry" he said as he wrapped his arms around you, you still continued to sob, which felt like a stab to the heart to him.
"(Y/N), it's ok, everything is going to be OK. I promise you, I'll never leave you" he continued to comfort you.

Months had passed and their was still no sign of your parents, Riku had stuck by your side. He never left you. You had both built up a happy life of just the to of you, but you were completely blind to insanity that had consumed him. His once icy blue eyes were now filled with lust, greed and wrath. He had you with no strings attached. You were forever trapped within his embrace, without even noticing it.

*1139 words*
I am done! I hope you all enjoyed this one shot!

Now I my next chapter might not even be on this account... You see... I'm going to be writing a Nora x reader x Female!Ren smut for my one of my mates new accounts, I'll just slip the account here.
So if you want to find some good gap material go there as he is my lemon sensei (coz I'm still being a squeamish bitch about writing lemons, I promise I'll write one on this story.)

Also on the 13/9 I'll be having a day of me, myself and my husbando. Coz I'm a fucking weeaboo (not really (°=•3=•))

so expect me to be posting art of him and listening to David Bowie to celebrate his special day.

(#πwπ)~why are fictional guys so
√ [ ] ]. much better then real guys?
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Til next time my yandereholics!!

Yanderealert is out to join miserable reality again!!!

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