(Y!M) part of my world Pt__ (selfaware Sora) *Kingdom hearts*

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Important A/N at the end (around 23 pages)

To Sora everything seemed to be going on repeat. Everything he did felt like it had already happened, he could predict everything that happened in front of him. His wonderful adventures had become bothersome chores. Until he discovered what lied beyond, a place in which he could manipulate how his adventures played out. Fighting half a dozen bosses at once, exploring lost lands and discovering the forgotten treasures of the unknown. He could feel a sense of accomplishment and finally enjoy his life again.

But on one fateful day while mining through all of the data that he had uncovered he noticed one peculiar file, *$gpk79¶∆π.
'Strange I didn't see this file yesterday... Well let's find out' he thought as a opened the small piece of data.

In front of him appeared a young girl, around his age. She had shiny (h/l) (h/c) hair, soft (s/k) skin and unblinking (e/c) eyes. She just stood in front of him unresponsively.
'Maybe I have to interact with her' he thought.
"Hello, my names Sora, what's yours?" He said while giving her a bright smile. She blinked and tried to speak but an ear piercing, distorted screech came out, Sora couldn't help but block his ears and cringe. She stopped and became motionless again.

He rested his hand on her shoulder.
"Why are you here?" He asked. She didn't respond before she began to violently twitch which spread to him.
"What's going on! Are you alright!" he yelled as everything started going black and her body became nothing more then a bunch of distorted textures.
'Oh no... I've crashed the system!" He mentally screamed, he always hated when this had happened. His sight went to blue as he blacked out.


After what seemed like hours of him altering the *$gpk79¶∆π file's code and numerous crashes. His work paid off. He had finally patched up the file.

The girl seemed to be sitting on thin air almost as if she was sitting on a normal chair.
"Why don't you give up? I'm not supposed to exist... So why do you want to explore my code?" She said in a robotic voice.
"Curiosity I guess" he answered her.
"You know I have no real purpose... So why alter me? Most would have given up ages ago" She asked again
"Well I just did, after seeing that you were a person I wanted to find out about you" he responded.
"Anyway I didn't catch your name the last time I was able to get your file to work" he continued. The girl looked down before she replied.
"I don't have a name... My code is just a jumble of numbers, letters and symbols..."
"Well how about I give you a name?" He asked, making her look up at him with a shocked expression.
"You would really do that for me?"
"Of course! What's a person without a name?" He said as he put both of his hands on her shoulder.
"OK let me think..." He said as he thought up all the names he could think of.

"How about (Y/N)?" Sora asked her.
"It's perfect!!" She shouted in glee before everything began to reset.
"What's going on Sora?" (Y/n) asked as she noticed what was going on.
Sora said nothing as placed her neglected file in one of the worlds data.

"Giving you a life beyond the data scape"


You woke up in soft, cozy bed. The warm early rays of sun bringing warmth to your face. You hopped out of bed and put on some clothes before running down a flight of stairs straight into the kitchen.

In the kitchen you saw your mother but even though she was your mother, she gave off the vibes of a total stranger.
"Oh, good morning (y/n) how was your sleep" she said as she gave you a warm smile.
"It was good I guess..." You said as you sat at the table.
"So any plans today?" She asked you.
"I think I'll catch up with my friends today since it's summer Holliday's" you said automatically, almost as if there was no other option. You were deep in thought, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, before the sound of a toaster was heard and your mother placed a plate with two pieces of toast on it, both slathered in lemon curd.

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