If you ever left me (Bruno Bucciallati)

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You felt the sweat drip down your face as you felt the ravenette's scrutinising gaze as you both sat at the dinning table. You two had been together for a year but you wanted to cut it off.

It's not like he did anything to hurt you, he spoilt you rotten whenever he could. It's just that his role as a gangster forced you two to be apart for long periods of time and you felt that was the cause of loss of heat in your relationship.
"Bruno I wanted to tell you something..." you began.
"I have something to tell you as well amore" he said in a soft tone as his expression lightened.
"I know that sometimes I'm not always the best of boyfriends, I mean I still wonder how I ever managed to meet someone as beautiful..." He continued as he held your hand lightly. Did he really have to start a long speech, it's like he was telling you not to break up with you before you even mentioned it.

"But I promise that I am purely dedicated to you" he said as he stood up. You didn't like where this was going. He then he got down on one knee and revealed a small box in his hand. He was proposing to you.

"No!" You yelled as you slapped the box away before he even had the chance. He looked at you with a shocked expression that turned grim.
"Maybe I'm going a bit too fast" he said.
"No Bruno" you said to him before letting out a large sigh.
"Bruno, your a great man but with such a labouring job that requires you to be away for so long... I can't see us working" you explained.
"What are you saying?" He said in a horrified tone as he stood up, he knew exactly what you meant.

"Bruno.... I think we should-" you tried to say but he cut you off by him literally zipping you mouth shut.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" he growled as he grabbed you by the hand.
"Why, why would you even consider such a thing?" He asked.
"What ever you want I'll give it to you just say the word and it's all yours! Just don't leave me!" He plead as he tried to embrace you.
"Let go, let go of me!" you attempted to scream though your forcibly shut mouth.
"Shh, (Y/n) everything will be fine. Just stay right here..." He hushed you as he stroked your hair.
"I want the absolute best for us (Y/n), don't you see how much I love you" he said as he pulled your waist closer to his. You tried to push him away but it was no use as your body began to fall apart.
"I can't bare the pain of not having you..." he said as he picked up the box and your detached hand. He then pulled out the large extravagant ring from the box and slid it onto the remaining section of your ring finger.
"As you are the one that brings me so much joy"


You woke up in the large bed that you had shared with Bruno so many times. The aromas of breakfast being cooked wafted into the room. he must already be up, moment like this would of made you happy but you were scared.

You looked at your hand and inspected your engagement ring and tried to pull it off but you couldn't, it was way too tight. You couldn't even get it past your knuckle, you quickly ran into your bathroom and lathered your finger in soap but it still wouldn't come off.
"(Y/n), are you alright?" He called out to you.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine" you lied as you washed off the soap.
"Ok, just letting you know breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes" he continued.

You decided to hop in the shower and get dressed before walking into the dinning room. the gravity in the room felt dense as you remembered what had happened.
"(Y/n) I'm so sorry for my outburst last night, it's just I couldn't let our relationship end just like that..." he said as he walking to the dinning room with two plates of breakfast in hand, noticing the way your eyes glazed over.
"I want us to work forward in our relationship and I promise you I'll never do such a thing like what I did last night happen again" he said as he placed the plates at the table before walking to you and placing his hands on your hips.
"I hate it when you look all gloomy, come on, give your future husband a smile" he said before bringing his hands to your face pushing the corners of your lips up to form a smile. He then kissed you on the forehead before sitting at the table. You followed suit and looked down at pieces of crisp bacon, softly poached eggs and the mashed avocado on-top of a slice of toast.

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