(Cloud) Can't lose you *Final fantasy VII*

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Times had been tough for the poor man since Aerith's death, he started to feel like everyone that got close to him was cursed to meet their demise. The once preppy young man was spiraling down into an abyss of sadness and pain that he felt that he couldn't recover from. His friend's weren't ignorant to the situation and tried to help but nothing seemed to work until a chance encounter.


Their was no where to go, now that your brother was missing, you couldn't afford to keep up with the costs to rent an apartment. You were now on the streets with what little you had packed.

You were currently running down the backstreets, being chased by two armed men. You turned a sharp right, dead end.
"Now if you want to stay alive, I suggest giving us your belongings" one of them said while holding out a hand, waiting for you to give him the bag of all the remains of your property. You didn't want to give up your last possessions but what choice did you have.
"Here, take it! just leave me" you said as you handed him your bag.
"Nah, we aren't done with you yet" the other man slurred. You felt a shiver go down your spine, this wasn't going to end well.
"Are you saying... Well she's not half bad, I think she'd be pretty good" the first guy chuckled as he started to mentally undress you.

This was it. You only had two choices. Get raped of your decency and live another day or bleed out on the streets with you decency. You contemplated as they pushed you into a corner. As all hope seemed to be lost, a figure walked into your vision. The lighting made it hard to see most of their features but by the their build you assumed they were male and this assumption was confirmed when he spoke.
"Hey, leave her alone scumbags." The man spoke. The men instantly turned to look behind, as soon as they made eye contact with the mysterious man they dropped everything and ran for their lives.
"Don't worry about them they're only petty thieves. They only target the weak, they won't have back up" he said as he walked up to you. You could now see the figure better. A man about the same age as you. He had messy light blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He was taller then you with medium build and wore what seemed to be a simplified military styled outfit.
"Thank you, if you hadn't of been here, who knows what they would have done to me" you said to him, he just looked at you with those cold eyes of his.
"This is yours, right?" he asked while holding your bag.
"Yes it is, thank you" you said as you grabbed your bag.
"Well... Thank you again, I hope to see you again soon" you said as you began to walk off.
"You don't have a place to go, do you?" He asked, you froze. Was it that obvious.
"If you don't... You could come with me... I know a place where my friends might be able to let you stay" he said, obviously flustered.
"Ah, really you would help a street rat like me?" You said.
"It would be terrible if I just let you stay out here after that, besides I think a storm's rolling in" he said with a concerned look.
"OK then, lead the way" you said as the two of you began to walk thought the large city.

Neither of you had said a word until the rain started to pour down.
"If we run we could possibly make it before the rain gets too heavy" he said as he grabbed your hand and started running. You could feel the cold droplets of rain land on you. You slowed your pace as you looked at the droplets on your skin. They had a slight tint of brown in them.
"It's the pollution, it's getting trapped by the water, OK? We need to hurry up" he said as he pulled on your wrist.
"OK" you said as you followed.

It wasn't long after that you arrived outside of a bar.
"Seventh heaven, is this the place you were talking about?" You asked.
"Yeah..." He said as he gestured you inside.

Inside, the bar was pretty much empty apart from the two of you. You had to admit, it was probably one of the most well kept of the lot.
You were about to say something until a woman appeared from behind the bar.
"Cloud, where have you been? You knew we had a massive meeting on" she scolded him.
"Wait, who's the girl?" She then asked.
"I found her in the backstreets. She was almost attacked by thieves" he said while giving you a nudge.
"I'm (Y/N)..." You mumbled
"Oh, well my name is Tifa, I'm the manager here. Now you must be exhausted. I'll fix you up a bed you can rest in" She said as she ran off.

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