🎃♀️Instinct (Incubi Bruno Bucciallati)

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A cold breeze blew as you watched the first rays of sunlight touch the land from your porch, a warm drink helping you warm up. You never really got up this early but you wanted to see who your new neighbour was. Who knows it could be a good plot idea for a novel, it would stray a little different to your typical writing choice of a mystery novel but you just never know.

For a moment you had a strange scene play out in your head. A woman that you knew was your mother flailing against two men that held her away from you. She yelled incoherent statements as they grabbed a knife out of her hand. Your father picked you up, cradling you in his arms as he yelled at her.

You shook yourself out of your trance. You liked to believe that it was just a morbid imagination but it very well could have been an early memory. You had no memories of your mother, most of them had probably been locked away by after so many years of therapy but you had learnt a few unsavoury things over the years about her over time like her connections with witchcraft and satanism. You had no reason to worry about her since she was killed in an asylum riot a few years back.

You were just about to give up and hop back into bed until a car pulled up in front of the house and the door opened. You felt you heart flutter as you saw the beautiful male step out. With hair that was darker then any black you had seen before, eyes that were like the clearest ocean and sunkissed skin. You couldn't help but admire this man, it was like he had been sculpted by the gods' and been sent down to grace your eyes. You were absolutely speechless.

"Bon giorno Senorita, your up very early!" He greeted you with a smile on his face.
"And good morning to you to sir" you said as you set your drink down and walk to him.
"My name is (Y/n) (L/n)" you said as you held out your hand.
"Well mine is Bruno Bucciallati, it's a pleasure to meet you" he replied as he shook your hand.
"Do you need any help with unpacking?" You asked him.
"I've already had most of of the furniture has been brought inside already but I wouldn't mind a little help with a few pieces before the last bits of furniture are dropped of" he responded with a small smile before strutting to his door and unlocking it with you not far behind.


You had never been inside the house so it had been surprise to see how amazing the interior. It had a fifties layout but it was brought into the present with its modern appliances and somewhat daring wallpaper and paint choices of black, white and gold.

Throughout the day you helped Bruno unpack boxes of little things like tableware and small appliances.
"So where do you want this?" You asked Bruno as you picked up a vase.
"Over there" he said while point to the mantle piece above the fire place.
"So what made you decide to move here of all places?" You asked the ravenette.
"I just wanted to move to somewhere that was quiet" he replied.

"Well you chose the right place, I'm sure you'll have no trouble here" you said in a sweet tone as you placed the vase on the mantle piece. You looked at the clock and realised the time.
"Oh wow it's already eight pm! I should get home now, well it was a pleasure to help you out today" you said as you rushed to the door.
"Good bye then (Y/n), I really enjoyed your company" he said as gave you a bright smile that seemed to make your heart race.
"Same" you responded before leaving.

Bruno sighed as he slumped down into his loveseat. He flicked a few strands of his ebony hair before unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it to the side, allowing a pair of bat like wings to stretch out, his eyes changed from a saphire blue to a bright gold, a tail began to swing from side to side and a pair of goat like horns formed on his forehead. This was his true form, he was an incubus. A Demonic creature thats whole existence revolved around deflowering young virgin women.

He could smell your pureness, it was stronger then when he first met you. It threw him into a ecstasy driven high, it was like a drug to him. It made his mind wonder, he could almost feel himself touching your soft skin. However something inside of him told him no, some part of him wanted you to stay the very same.
"After all these years" he sighed as a rosy hue dusted his cheeks.


You knocked on Bruno's door with one hand while holding a tray of scones. As the door opened a smile appeared on Bruno's face.
"You sure have a lot of time to spare, don't you?" He commented as he let you in.
"A lot of people in this town do" you replied as you walked into his house and placed the scones on the table.
"This house is getting better by the day" you said as you had a good look around the room before walking to the vintage sofa and sitting down.
"And I have you to thank for that, a woman's touch always make house feel like home" he replied.
"I think everything will be unpacked in maybe another three days" he continued.
"So which room are we doing today?" You asked.
"The bedroom" he replied in sultry tone that made you almost melt, wait why were you feeling like this all of a sudden? You had only known this man for a week yet your legs seemed to turn to jelly whenever your skin touched his or when he was close.

It wasn't like you had any romantic interest in him, thou you did have to admit he was extremely attractive, what you felt was like someone controlled you, it was almost instinctive.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" He asked with concern in his voice as he placed his hands on your shoulders, causing you to shiver under his grasp.
"I... I want to be honest" you began.
"Go ahead"
"I've been having these strange feelings around you... It's like something is pulling me towards you, it wants me too..." You continued.
"Oh god I can't believe I'm going to say this..." You sighed.
"You don't have to say a thing, I completely understand" he said.
"Yes, it's only instinctive that a woman is attracted towards a man that they think will protect them" he explained as he wrapped his arms around you, his hot breath tickling your neck. You were just about to ask him what he was going on about before he cut you off.
"And I promise you I will protect you this time" he said as he kissed your cheek.
"What?" You gasped as you pushed him away and looked at him, his saphire blue eyes now a deep, ominous, glowing gold.
"Do you not remember me?" He asked as as he slowly approached you with his arms spread wide in an affectionate manner.
"N... No" you stuttered as you felt your back hit the wall.

You squeezed your eyes shut in fear. Suddenly the wall seemed to disappear and you fell back only to be caught by a strong pair of arms. You looked to see that Bruno had caught you and that you were now in your attic. He put you back on your feet before search the though all the packed boxes, muttering inaudible words under his breath until he found a little chest, one which you had never seen before. He opened the chest and showed it's contents, you didn't know what it was but it looked like a flower made out of glowing glass. It had been a present you had been given by the same man on your ninth birthday.
"You surely couldn't have forgotten this?" He asked as a pair of horns protrude from his forehead and his tail swung in anticipation. Then it finally hit you.
"You... You were my mother's friend" you shuttered.
"I wouldn't say that... She was the worst woman I had ever met, even to my standards and I'm a demon" he explained. You really had no words to say, this conversation was some you had never imagined you'd have.
"She was going to sacrifice you, her own daughter..." He continued.

At this point your mind was flooding with memories that you had sealed away for so long and this demon had appeared in so many.
"My mother's dead so what do you want from me?" You asked as backed away from him once more.
"I told you, I want to protect you and now because she's dead I don't have to worry about her commands" he explained.
"But why me?" You asked.
"I love you, since I first saw you in that wenches arms as a newborn I knew that I needed you" he said before disappearing, only to reappear behind you and pull you by the waist until your chest was pressed against his.
"That's disgusting" you hissed.
"It only sounds disgusting because of the circumstances" he replied.
"I will not have a relationship with you!" You yelled.
"I'm afraid your body will go against what you say, us Incubi have our ways of getting inside a woman's head... But I'm sure you already know what I'm talking about" he said as he pressed his lips against yours. You tried to move you face but he had already placed his free hand on the back of your head, forcing your head still.

After a minute or so he finally pulled back and spoke.
"The sooner you come to accept my feeling the easier everything will get"


1689 words

Requested by ArMy_BaNgTaN_

Y'all are seriously thirsty for Bruno, you know that!
I have two more damn requests for this loveable gangster, now I an't complaining but who would have thought you all wanted this kind of content

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