♀️Attention (Bruno Bucciallati)

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Bruno was a man that everyone admired. He was the man that everybody looked up to and he was the man that everybody trusted. You never would have believed that he had a bad side but you had been proven wrong.

You looked in horror as Bruno slammed your friend Connor into the wall.
"You stay the hell away from her or I will make your life a living hell, you hear me!" Bruno yelled at him.
"Bucciallati, let go of him!" You yelled at his as you tried to get Connor out of his grip.
"You stay out of this" he hissed as he gave you a glare before letting  Connor go.
"This is your only warning, you understand?" He hissed.
"Y... Yes" Connor stuttered as he got to his feet.
"Then scram before I change my mind!" He yelled, causing you friend to run away as if his life depended on it.

"Bucciallati... Why are you doing this? He's my friend" You asked him.
"So they're a friend of yours? What did I  about talking to other people?" You froze as he said those words.

"Bucciallati... You speak to me like you own me and I don't appreciate it in the slightest... If you keep threatening me and the people around me I will get the authority to take action" you said trying to be brave.

He snickered lightly as he heard your threat, as if the police would go against him.
"It's not like that Bella, i just want to know that your safe" he apologized.

"I hate it when you start using those pet names" you said as you began to walk off.
"But Bella..."
"We are not dating so quit it" you yelled. Bruno let out a sigh. You were so fiesty but that just attracted him even more.


You sighed as you watched the waves. Life just wasn't working in your favour lately, mainly because of your brother's drug addiction that was putting a huge strain on the family. He was  almost finished with his sentence but once he was out he would probably go straight back to stealing anything valuable for a mere high.

Tears streamed down your face at the thought of it. You just wished that he could go back to his old self.
"(Y/n), what's the matter?" A familiar voice said as you felt his hand resting lightly on your shoulder.
"What, are stalking me now Bucciallati" you growled at the male as you pushed his hand away.
"No no no, it's just a pure coincidence" he replied with a slight chuckle.
"And you think I'd believe that" you hissed.
"Believe what you want but I'm not the bad guy, I'm only doing all this for your safety" he sighed.
"You make me fear what your definition of safety is..." You mumbled.
"Oh (Y/n) if you're afraid I'll hurt you, don't be. I'd never hurt you" he said as he ruffled your hair.
"Don't touch me!" you yelled as you swatted his hand away before storming off.
"I wish you would just leave me alone" you continued.


You sat down on the couch, flicking through the channels on tv until your phone began to ring and with no hesitation you picked it up.
"Hello?" You answered.
"(Y/n) I've got some great news" your mother chirped.
"Really! What is it?" you asked.
"Your brother is going into rehab after he finishes his sentence!" She said with glee.
"But... How? We couldn't afford it, remember" you questioned.
"Yes but he told me that a man was paying it for him" she explained.
"I wouldn't trust a thing that comes out of his mouth anymore, not after all the shit he pulled" you responded.
"I actually got to meet the man, he's very nice... Not to mention how attractive the young man was" she said.
"O god Mom, don't start..." you groaned.
"Anyway your brother and that man will be coming over for dinner in a couple of days so make sure to make something to bring over" she said.
"I will" you replied


Today was the fateful day of your brother's release and you had spent the day at your parents house helping prepare for dinner. When the bell finally rung you felt excitement but it was almost instantly consumed by anxiety. What if the rehab didn't work? What if this was a scam? What if your brother had set up a trap for some unsavoury individuals he meet while doing his time?

"(Y/n) I think they're here! Could you please open the door" you mother called from the kitchen. You complied and walked up to the door and let out a sigh, there couldn't be anything sinister about this.

You opened the door and was instantly pulled in by a pair of familiar arms.
"(Y/n)! I've missed you so much!" Your brother squealed as he hugged you tightly.
"I've... I've missed you too" you said as you returned his affectionate gesture before stepping away and looking at him.

He looked better then before he was locked up but you could still see the damage those drugs had caused. His sunken eyes and pasty skin. His hair was a mess and his teeth that were yellowing. It was so hard to remember him before his life had spiralled out of control.

"Hey (Y/n), what's the matter?" He asked you.
"Nothing" you replied.
"Well then... I'd like to introduce you to the man who offered to pay for my rehab-" he was then cut of by a familiar voice.
"You don't need to introduce me to her, I know her quite well" the man said as he entered the house.

Every profanity you knew threatened to slip out of your mouth as your heart nearly gave out.
"Mr. Bucciallati!" You nearly screamed as you saw him.
"Surprised are we?" he said as a bright smile appeared on his face.
"What-" you were going to ask before he cut you off.
"I'm helping your brother get off of the drugs" he responded.
"Wait how do you know my sister?" Your brother asked.
"Well I think that's something I should say over dinner" Bruno chuckled as he slowly walked down the hallway, inspecting the pictures that were hung on the walls.

"Bruno could I please talk to you in private" you asked the ravenette as you walked past him.
"Of course" he replied as he followed you into your old bedroom. You then shut the door and looked him in the eyes.
"What are you doing here" you hissed.
"I already told you why I'm here (Y/n)" he replied.
"Then why are you really here" You said.
"You really think I have an alter motive" he said.
"Well I don't think that it's a coincidence that you're helping my brother of all people" you retorted.
"(Y/n), Bruno. Dinner will be ready very shortly" your mother called.
"Ok Mom!" You replied as you were about to exit the room he grabbed your arm.
"(Y/n) I just wish you'd give me a chance" he said as he gave you an endearing look.
"Me, give you a chance? Not after  threatening my friends life and stalking me" you hissed. He let out a sigh as he shook his head.
"Then it'd be such a shame to tell your family that I take back my offer because of how their stubborn daughter treats me" he sighed.

Your eyes widened in shock.
"No, you wouldn't do that" you exclaimed.
"I will... But it all depends on how you reply to my next question" he said before wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Will you be my lover?"


1298 words

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