(Y/MxF/R) Dreams and delusions (Zexion/Inzeo) *kingdom hearts*

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Form a bad home life to a love life that was ten times worse. You had managed to get a shy timid teen to literally fall madly in love with you and not in a good way.

You had woken up to hell yet again, your guardians yelling and screaming.
'Do this, do that, clean this, cook that'  which would last for the rest of the day. You were feed up with all of the yelling and beatings, but where could go... when you told others that you came from a place called Radiant Garden. They would all ridicule you and tell you too go take your meds. They all thought it was some fairytale land, if this life was a fairytale then you would in waiting for your prince charming to sweep you off your feet and take you back to his kingdom to get married,  this however was not a fairytale but the hell hole called reality.

You left the house to do some errands that your guardians had sent you to do. You walked down the street to go to the markets in your ever so famous dress of rags. Walking and walking before you bumped into someone.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" You heard the voice of the person say. You looked up to see a young man, not any older then you. He had silver hair that was was side swept,  his fringe covered his left eye. He extended his hand to you.
"It's alright, I'm fine" you said while grabbing his hand. He helped you back to your feet. You looked into his only visible eye, it was a deep blue eye and you couldn't help feeling that you were going to slowly drown in it.
"Your not from here are you?" you questioned him.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"If you were then you wouldn't have been so nice too me" you said.
"Now why do you say that?" He questioned.
"Because no one believes me, they think my home, Radiant Garden is some imaginary land that I thought up, you probably think I'm crazy now, don't you" you said.
"No, not at all... I've actually heard of the place before" he said.
"Really?!" You exclaimed.
"Really" he assured. You looked at the clock tower in the distance. 11:45 am, you had to be back by 12 o'clock
"Oh my will you look at the time, I've really got to go. I hope I can see you again" you said while running off.

As you ran off the rapid beating in his chest decreased and the dopamine in his brain died down, slamming him back down to painful reality. He couldn't help thinking about you, your hair was like strands of silk, your eyes gleamed like they were made of glass and you voice sounded like an angel's. You were perfection, he couldn't just let you dissappear from his life. He needed to know everything. Your name, your house, your likes and dilikes. He needed you.

You walked around the stalls at the markets and just before leaving you were pushed over. You closed your eyes as you could hear the sound of glass smashing and a liquid splash over your body. You opened your eyes to see your body covered in glass and beetroot brine mixed with blood, you heard the laughter of many. You were on the verge of tears, before you suddenly blacked out.
"Hey are you alright, can you hear me?" A familiar voice said as you opened your eyes,everyone had disappeared. The only person there was. the boy from before giving you a look that was a mixture of shock and concern.
"This is terrible, how can you just let them ridicule you like this?" He asked.
"what else can I do... it's me verses all of the town" you replied while standing up.
"Whoa, take it easy, you're bleeding!" he yelled.
"I'm alright" you said, even thou you weren't. You started to walk away
"Can I at least know your name?" He yelled.
"It's (f/n)" you replied as you disappeared from his view and he carefully picked up the all peices of glass he could get his hands on and placed them in a bag you had left behind.

What a beautiful name...
What a beautiful soul...

I wish for your happiness...
I wish for your love...

He couldn't handle to see you hurt, seeing your tainted body made his blood boil. He couldn't understand how the people of this town could treat such a beautiful lady so terribly. If the town was attacked by heartless then he would turn his back on the town... all he cared about was you.

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