part of my world pt3

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You couldn't move, not an inch. You had locked yourself in this neverending abyss of nothing. This is what your life was like as a lonely speck of data. Forever trapped in a motionless body but you were oddly content with that. You felt safe and secure until that day had come.

"Oh (y/n) I've been looking for you for so long..." an eerily familiar voice coed as a pair of arms wrapped around you, the first feeling of contact would have made you flinch if you could.
"But now I have you all to myself" he continued as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
"Mine, mine, all mine" he repeated in a sing song tone.

You wanted to speak but you physically couldn't. You had no way to reject him.
"Oh, your not talking to me" he sighed.
"I'll just take that as a yes" he hummed.
"Do you love me?" He said as he nuzzled your cheek. You so desperately tried to say no but you couldn't.
"Of course you do!" He hummed as he grabbed your hand, to you it felt so stiff but obviously it was limp to him.
"I'll never let you go my Princess..." He nuzzled your had.
"Besides... You have nowhere to go..." He eerily sung as he shifted you to face him before planting a small kiss on your lips.
"... You can not escape me as long as I have you locked here..."
"This is my game... And I'm the one that decides what happens" he coed as he tilted his head, an loud crack echoed.

"And I am the only one that knows who you are... So don't expect anyone to try and save you, I mean even if another person then us became selfaware.... I could just delete them..."

*301 words*
Shortest chapter ever!!!

Last chapter was ment to be the end but rosechocolate2000  requested another chapter of this... So I did!

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