🎃 Bonds thicker than blood (Vampire Shinsou)

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You had always believed in the supernatural but you belief had been confirmed when you met Shinsou in a shady side street on a dark nearly moonless night in the feral streets of London. His his body trembled as he looked at the blood that covered him while cradling a males bloodied body.
"I... I didn't mean to kill him, I didn't want to even hurt him" he mumbled. You could see the look of guilt and remorse in his eyes and you did something that nobody else would of done. You sat beside him and comforted him and that had led up to a strong friendship that was formed.


You heard a knock on your door in the middle of the night, in most cases you would tell the to fuck off but you knew who it was and you knew the urgency. You quickly wrapped your self in a bathrobe before racing down the stairs and opening the door to reveal the violet haired teen.
"You know you can just let yourself in" You said.
"Have you forgotten that vampires can't enter a building without permission?" He asked you.
"Oh yeah... Sorry" you apologized as you let him in.
"No need to apologize" he said as he walked to the bench.
"So do you need the usual?" You asked. He only sighed in response.

"Just let me get the equipment ready" you said as you closed the door and got a large clean syringe and belt.
"You're lucky you met a nurse like me" you said as you sat down and strapped the belt tightly on your arm and tapped the inside of you elbow to get your blood veins to become more visible.
"Yes and I'm extremely greatful, I just don't want to hurt anyone" he replied.
You breathed in a few times as you held the syringe to your arm.
"Could you please pull up the end  slowly one I stick this in?" you asked before stabbing bit into one of you veins and he complied.
You shuttered a little at the feeling of the syringe inside you but you were doing this to help him.
You looked at him to see that look on his face as he saw your blood being sucked into the syringe, his expression was one of partial disgust and partial hunger.

After it was full you took it out and wrapped up your arm with a bandage and emptied the red liquid into a glass.
"I hope that will be enough" you said with a slight slur, almost falling over in the process.
"(Y/n) are you alright!" He asked as he quickly held onto you, trying to help you keep your balance.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little lightheaded.
"Don't go taking so much blood out of your body just for me, I don't want to see dying because of your generosity" he said as he helped you into a seat.
"You're being ridiculous" you scoffed.
"I'm willing to do anything for you. Friends help friends out, right?" You asked him.

Friend, he hated that word coming out of your mouth. It made him feel useless. He wanted to be more then a simple friend. He wanted you too call him more endearing names and to be able hold you in his arms. He wanted you too be your lover more then anything else.


One night he stood out the front of your house, he knocked on the door for the fifth time. Where could you be?

Half an hour passed before he finally saw you, however you weren't opening the door, instead you were staggering down the street.
"Oh hey Shinsou!" You chirped with a slur as you ran up to him, only to trip over a small rock but luckily Shinsou was fast enough to catch you.
"A... Are you drunk?!" He said in suprise as he could faint smell the alcohol in you breath.
"Soo what?!" You exclaimed, prolonging every syllable as you flicked you hair, revealing a blueish blackish bruise on your neck.
"Where... Where did you get that mark?" He asked.
"It's none of your business!" You suddenly yelled at him.
"Who did that to you?!" He responded with with the same volume.
"My boyfriend, why do you even want to know!" You yelled even louder.

Shinsou felt his eye twitch with irritation as he heard that, since when did you have a boyfriend and what made them so much better then him, he just needed to know.


Every night Shinsou stalked you and over time he got to know about this 'boyfriend' of yours. He was an engineer and from what Shinsou saw of him told him all he needed to know, this man was only with you for skin deep reasons.

He finally decided one night he was going to teach the man what his place was.

"No please don't kill me!" He screamed at Shinsou.
"You're being ridiculous, I'm not going to kill you..." Shinsou lulled as he looked the male in the eyes.
"Really..." he asked.
"Yes" he said before throwing rope at him, the male's eyes glossed over and became devoid of life as he lost his self control.
"You're going to do it yourself" he sternly spoke.


You were horrified and confused at to why your boyfriend would do such a thing. The image of his dangling body was burnt into your mind.
"Shinsou... I just can't understand why he would do such a thing..."you sobbed.
"He had a good life... He had a good job... He had a loving girlfriend. What would drive him to such a thing?" you continued as you gripped his his shirt.
"You just never know, he was obviously discontent with something... Maybe he was a homosexual and used you as a cover up but couldn't deal with the burden of not being able to experience true love" he said.

Your sobs stopped and you looked him in the eye.
"And why would you say that?" You asked him in a sceptical tone.
"It's just an assumption" he replied. At that moment you knew something was up.

"Shinsou you know something, don't you?" You said as you pulled away from him.
"What? Your being ridiculous, I don't know anything!" He exclaimed as he tried to get you back in his arms.
"Stay away from me! Your lying!" You yelled.
"(Y/n) please don't be like this..."
"Tell me what happened!" You retorted.
"Fine, I'll tell you what happened when you sit down" he sighed. You complied but hesitated as he sat next to you.
"Your not going to leave me if I tell you, right?" He asked as he looked into your eyes. You wanted to leave now but your body wouldn't budge and the words just slipped out of your mouth.

"No I won't leave you" you said autonomously.
"Good" he said as a smile formed on his face. He ruffled your hair up slightly.
"I killed him" he said, still in that sweet tone. You wanted to run and get away from him right now but you couldn't, you couldn't even scream.
"I know you must be scared but please understand me" he said as he hugged your form.
"I thought we had something special, so when I heard that you had a boyfriend it tore me up inside..." He explained.
"I just couldn't understand why, I was so jealous of him, so I killed him" he continued.
"I've loved you since the beginning, I just hoped that someday you would come to realise my feelings!" He nearly shouted. You suddenly regained control of your body and tried to run but he quickly grabbed your hand you once again fell under his trance. Your body forced you to walk to your room before packing you belongings into a suitcase. He watched your every move before planting a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you (Y/n)" he said and you autonomously followed suit, despite your best effort to not.
"I...I love you too Shinsou"


1360 words.

Requested by lucywondersong

I've only read a little bit of my hero acadamia (Vigilantes to be specific) so this was a little more difficult to write. I don't discouraged people from requesting MHA but it means I'm gonna need some sauce from my bf and the wiki.

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