(Y/MXF/R) From a spark to a flame (Lea) *Kingdom Hearts*

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This one shot was requested by the lovely @YunaEldra. Hope you enjoy!

"No (y/n), wait for me, you can't just go, who know what's out there" Lea said while grabbing onto your wrist.
"Come on Lea, don't start this again. It the fifth time you've said that this week" you said while crossing your arms.
"But I don't want to lose you, so please just stay here" he plead.
"You know I can look after myself thank you very much" you said. He had always been like this towards you, always there like a over protective brother. You did care for him and you understood that he was afraid of losing the people around him but you wanted your independence but he was always a little to overprotective towards you.
"Why did you refuse to take up the keyblade training that was offered to you, I still don't understand why you would turn down such an opportunity" you said sitting on the chair near you.
"Do you love me?" He said blankly
"Do you love me?" He repeated, his voice had cold tone.
"Of course, your like a brother to me" you responded with a smile on your face, however a gloomy expression was etched onto his face and his eye stared at you coldly. You realise what he meant now, you didn't love him like that. You tried to testify but no words escaped your mouth. He gave an aura of sadness. You couldn't explain the guilt you felt, it lingered in the pit of your stomach.
"I've got to go, see you some time" he said, his voice was raspy like he only just managed to cough up the words. He then opened the door and left. Tears streamed down your face, you did it, you broke his heart, no you tore it into millions of pieces and set it a light.

Weeks had pasted and Lea still felt the sadness of heart break, maybe even worse. He walked around the town trying to get his mind off of the heart break. He heard voices in the distance and curiosity had gotten the best of him and he decided to find the source. As he got closer he could hear that familiar voice, (y/n)'s . He continued walking toward the voice despite the terrible feeling in his stomach. He rounded a Corner and there you were in the flesh... with another man. You laughed and smiled while talking to him, you held his hand and embraced him.

It made Lea's blood boil, it made him grit his teeth, it made his hands curl into fists.
'(Y/N) choose this scum bag over me, no obviously this man was pulling the wool over her eyes, she knew no better' he went through his thoughts. He came to the conclusion, he needed to protect you, he needed to show you that he was the only one that you could trust,

You walked down the street on your way to you friend Charlie's house. The past week with him had been great, he helped you with the whole incident with and told you that telling him the truth was the right thing to do. Today you were determined to beat some of his high scores on classic kingdom, in your thoughts you had bumped into someone. You looked up to see who it was, it was Lea.
"Hey (Y/N), how have you been? Long time no see" he said with a large grin on his face.
"Yeah, I'm good how about you" you replied.
"Yeah, I'm going pretty good myself. Saw you hanging out with a guy the other day, what was that about" he asked with his grin still plastered on his face. Something wasn't right. He was awfully happy today, he was acting strange.
"O, that was Charlie. He's a friend of mine" you replied.
"You wanna hang out?" He asked.
"O sorry I'm busy maybe some other time" you said.
"Oh yeah i actually got something to do too, you know what Ienzo's like" he said as he messed up your hair.
"See ya" he said while running off. He was acting very strange, he was always the cool and sarcastic type. So why was he acting so different.

You reached Charlie house, the door was wide open.
'That's weird, he never leaves his door open' you thought'
You stepped inside, it was a mess. His belongings were scattered across the floor and furniture had been knocked around. You felt a twinge in your heart
"Charlie, you there, hello" no reply.
"Charlie, stop this, I know this is a prank!" You yelled, now in panic.
"(Y..../N), (Y/N)!!!!" You heard Charlie's screams coming the kitchen. You ran to him as fast as you could, he was lying in the corner he was covered in blood and was giving you a dazed expression. You kneeled down next to him.
"What happened! Who did this!" You shouted to him.
"I... I don't know, they knocked me down and they just didn't stop... All I can remember was the crazed look in their eyes" he murmured, trying to get the words out with all his strength. You began to notice the a strange smell in the room, similar to that of burnt popcorn. You quickly searched the kitchen to find the source but nothing was cooking. Charlie stood up now you could see just how bad it was. He had a black eye, bruises covered his hand and legs, his fingers had been twisted in unnatural directions and his body was charred in several spots at that point you realise what the smell was.
"Charlie, what did they do to you, you need to go to the hospital" you said holding him lightly, trying not to hurt him.
"I don't know everything happened so fast, I just can't remember" he said trying to hold on to you only to cry out in pain due to the state of his hands.
"Don't worry Charlie, I'll get you to a hospital" you said guiding him out of the house slowly.

Lea felt his blood boil more as he saw how you treated Charlie. You cared for Charlie and how you treated him so differently but at the same time his heart fluttered. Seeing your kind caring nature, the one he wanted to preserve.

It had been a few weeks after the incident. No culprit had been found. You had decided to stay at Charlie's house and take care of him while he recovered. You were just cleaning the dishes when you heard the his bedroom door open.
"Charlie... How are you feeling?"you called out. No response. You grabbed the kitchen knife beside you and slowly walked to his room, the door was closed, so you knocked.
"Charlie! Please answer me!" You yelled. No response but you could hear something, creaking, mumbling and a few slight knocks. You quickly opened the door to see a man holding Charlie down on the ground. He turned to you.
"Didn't know this wimp had a girlfriend" he said as he got off charlie and approached you.
"Get away! I'm armed!" you yelled as you swung the knife around. He stopped in his tracks and looked behind you, but before you could see what he was looking at you were struck in the back of your head and you lost conciseness.

Charlie's home had been set a blaze. He wouldn't remain, the thug wouldn't remain. It was just you and Lea. When you woke up he would have you all to himself. As he knew he was the only one that could protect you.

You woke up in a familiar room, your room. You had an skull splitting headache and a dry throat.
"Good morning (Y/N)" a voice right next to you said. You turned over to see Lea.
"What happened?" You asked him.
"Charlie's house was set on fire. You were unconscious on the floor..." He started explaining as last nights memories flooded into your head.
"The blaze was claimed as suspicious..."
"Is Charlie OK?" You asked him, his face contoured into one of sadness.
"He was found... But not alive..." he mumbled. You felt tears stream down your face, Charlie was gone, dead. You started to feel every little emotion you had start to fade away.
"I know it's hard that you lost a friend but please can you tell me what happened last night?" He asked.
"The house was broken into... I came in to confront him but I was hit in the back of the head..." you mumbled before more tears streamed down your face.
"Don't worry, I'm here now. I'll protect you" he said as he pulled you into a supportive embrace but what you couldn't see was the look of pure happiness that decorated his face. He wasn't sad, not one bit. He was just glad that he finally had you to himself

*1486 words*
Hope you all and I'm sorry for taking so long on this chapter (8/9 months to be exact!). Most of the problem was that my phone decided to permanently die! And the chapter had not been saved so I had to start from scratch.

Anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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