~A fight with depression~

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A fight with depression~ Doesn't matter how you got it, some people just get it from seeing other people with it. But for some people it is a serious illness that is very hard to treat. Although doctors have all of this fancy medication to treat it. I have been on medication for depression since the age of 9 and honestly it just makes my depression worse because the medication doesn't make me feel any better.

Depression can take a tole on the body. If you are severely depressed, sometimes you just can't eat anything, everything, even your past favorite foods, just look gross to you now that you are depressed. Take my word for it...i hate eating, its just the fact that everything looks gross to me and my stomach wants it but my head doesn't.

Far from being just a psychiatric disorder, depression wreaks havoc on the entire body by throwing the stress response out of whack. The amount of damage it causes takes a greater toll on health than chronic angina, arthritis, asthma, or diabetes.

Heart disease, Under stress, blood produces more clotting factors to prepare for a wound, which can cause clots to form in the arteries-setting the stage for a heart attack or stroke. Increased stress hormones can also lead to inflammation in the heart.

Osteoporosis. Depression's link to high levels of the stress hormone cortisol may speed bone loss, raising the risk of fractures even in postmenopausal women, according to one new study.

Diabetes. Increased cortisol also raises blood sugar levels, which new research suggests may cause diabetes in those over age 65. Inflammation may also play a role.

Cancer. Studies show that depressed folks have high levels of immune system chemicals called cytokines, which may hamper the body's ability to destroy malignant cells.

~I fight with severe depression, so writing helps me sometimes, it makes me feel wanted in the world when i hear other peoples stories of living with depression. If you have a depression story, or just a reason of why you have depression, message me, or comment...i am right here with you. I've been struggling for 9 1/2 years with depression trust me there's not a feeling I haven't felt. I have even gone through suicidal times in my life where i would say fuck it and cut my wrists to make myself feel something. But please...comment on this or message me, i'd love to help.

Until then peace out, be happy not crappy, life's a bitch don't quit.

And live by that quote...me and my friends which are all emotionally unstable, always say that to each other. To make each other feel better.

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