broken hearts and Weaping souls

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Who wants a broken heart
Do you?

I know I don't
But its to late

My heart broke so long ago
I forgot how to be happy

I've forgotten how to live

Now that my soul weeps

My soul begs to be free
To be loved

My weeping soul begs to be a mended soul.

A soul with a purpose.
Not like now without a purpose
And need.

I need to be needed and loved
So I don't leave into the unknown.

The afterlife we all wish to be true.
I wish to be free.

But would dying be free?

Or would it define the reality that nothing is free.
Everything has a cost.

Eye for an eye.
Hand for a hand.

Soul for a soul..

How can people love living in a life of such uncertainty?

I can't.

I can't live not knowing.

But since we can't know.
We need hope.

Without hope. Humans are depressed
And defenceless.

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