Breaking free #fuckdepression

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What does it feel like to break free from your demons?

Is it great? Is it sad?

How is it living without demons always threatening to end your life?

Will I be overcome?

Will I rize above the rest, and become the next depression survivor?

December is the hardest month.. For me... But also others, because we miss them this time of year... The ones gone too soon. We want to spend time with them.. They know our struggles. They know our demons.

What is is like to just drop everything and be free? No more suffering, no more cuts. Scars are healed. Life is mended. Soul is put back together. From shattered to whole.

I want to see this life for myself and for others suffering with depression... Depression is a monster within your head, you just gotta Dee that it isn't real. Like a person hearing voices in their head. The monster isn't real. What's real is the suffering.

For me its so hard to imagine. I've suffered from depression from a very young age of 8... Been trying to break the chains since then... People always tell me that I'm an attention seeker. But fuck them "this is, who I am, you don't understand, you don't even try."

My own mother doesn't understand that she isn't the only one suffering from depression. I try and talk to her about it. But am just shut down and told to go feed off someone else's attention!

I know o can do this. Its just the fact that I don't know how. I don't know what its like with depression as a demon.

I've been a nobody all my life... How do I get out in the world... I wanna be a author, that is my dream, but how do I become an author when I'm afraid to socialize personally with people. Who may be judging me.

These things you say to me. May break me. But I can now break my chains of a billion days. "Look out I'm breaking free."

"Everytime I think you're listening... You stab and twist the knife."
This is so true for me... This song and this passage in this short story... My life sucks, and if I don't do anything about it now, my demons might get the best of me.

A Fight With DepressionWhere stories live. Discover now