Dead Roses

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Dead roses, aren't only dead, but to the touch they disintegrate.

When people feel dead, they tend to do the same...

I've felt this pain, this sadness, this frustration of living in a world that doesn't want me.

But what happens when the world decides that it wants you.

How would you cope

how would you deal

knowing your whole life that you aren't wanted, then all of the sudden, poof.

people suddenly care about you, or so they claim

sometimes people just claim they care about you because they know that deep down your on the edge if your life and only care for you so you don't die but once your better they'll leave you in a heartbeat.

What would you do, in this suddenly nice world.

Opportunities come flooding in, jobs, friends, and love.

Most would take those things in a heartbeat, but the wounded people of the world, would stay 

away from all these opportunities.  

Because not everyone means what they say.

So when people suddenly want you to be in their lives, and show you affection.

sometimes we broken people tend to find that disintegrating is the only option in this cruel 

unforgiving world.

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