Short quotes I make up

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I don't want to die

I don't want to kill myself

I just want to disappear untill I feel

better again.


I don't want to die... But I don't want

to live.  I just want to be left alone by

Society,  completely. But how can that

Happen when in order to live,  you'll

Have to work (with people).


I don't wanna run away,  I wanna

Make things right.  I don't wanna

Make a scene,  I just wanna be left


Society doesn't get the depressed...

They think we are just average people

With different feelings about life.

But what they don't know,  is that

The depressed people are the most

Caring people out there,  because

They/we don't want others to feel

Like us.


How do you tell if someone's battling

With their demons?  Of you ask them

If they are okay,  and they say I'm fine.

I'm fine,  is like a cry for help.  Do not

Let anyone say their fine,  and get

Away with it.  Make sure they are

(Good)  not 'fine'.


How can you cheer up a depressed

Person?  Always, hang around them.

Make sure their not alone at lunch,  or

At school, or just even alone in

general. And that should make them

Happy,  that's the least you could do.

Roses are dead

Violets are dying

Outside I'm smiling

Inside I'm crying


The worst feeling in the world is

Trying to hold back a panick attack in



It feels like everyone is getting their

Life together,  while,  I'm stuck down

Here in this hole with no way out.

Sometimes when I say I'm okay

I need someone to look me in the

Eyes and hug me very tight and say

I know you are not...

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