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Visions of me, visions of you.

Visions of me and you,  everywhere

"God had a vision and that vision was me,  and I hold it in my heart every second that I breathe." (Hollywood undead)

Visions are so common that we see them when we sleep.

Visions are used to fuel imagination,  creativity and life.

Visions are the future,  visions are the present,  and visions are the past.

Visions created me, as well as you.

Visions can be on computer, or can be on print or in mind.

Doesn't really matter because there all the same.

Visions can be deadly,  but they can also be great.

You may imagine killing yourself.

You may imagine killing others.

But you can also imagine having a vision of success and achievement.

But let me tell ya,  it takes a special mind to see these visions in complete color. 

Meaning that not all people go with the vision they see... They may take a different path, that'll lead them elsewhere because the vision you have is telling you your future, most of the time.

But if these visions for telling our future,  then my life isn't going anywhere but down the drain.

I've had visions,  visions of pain,  visions of death.  But how can we have avoided these visions.  The ones that lead to death and or pain? 

I think,  we just need to stay positive.

Stay positive, and positive visions will greet you.

Stay negative and negative visions will find you.

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