How can I be Un-Done with life?

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"How can I be Un-Done with life?"

(Talking to something while in a comatose after a suicide attempt) 

"Um you can't darling........"

"But i have to, I have to live for my family and friends. Or what i thought were my friends, as they aren't there for me as much as they said they'd be."

"You think you need to live for them... think again,  you'd be replaced in a week or less."

"No i wouldn't be, they care about me, i swear too it!"

"Let me tell you something about life; When a family member dies, or even a best friend, human beings tend to think that the person dead, would want family and friends to move on and not think about them. But in reality; Most of us would want them to miss us, we want them to remember us, we don't want them to move on, because that'd mean they'll forget to think about us as time wears on."

"That's not true, they already forget about me all the time. And it hurts to think that they wouldn't care if i died."

"Oh honey, some people are stronger than others, go out and find the "ONE" that cares for you the most, not the one that claims that they care the most about you, but the one that'd jump in front of a train for you...the one that would do anything to protect you, it can be family, but it could also be a friend, or someone new, someone that knows you, but you don't know them...just pay attention my child.

"Okay, i'm not ready to die yet..."

"Good for you, now go home to your family my child."

I open my eyes to my mom and dad and about half my school, screaming in happiness because of my recovery, then i remember what the voice told me.

Find the one that would jump in front of a train for you, the one that would risk their life for you to make you safe, it could be a friend, family member or even someone you don't know but they know you. 

You've got to be nice to everyone, you cant ever know what they're going through in their life, they could have a perfect life, but are being held prisoner inside their own head.

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