When is it a good time to move on?
Is it wrong to move on to soon?
Is it wrong to not move on fast enough?
Is holding onto the memory of the sadness of your loved one dieing for to long, bad?
Answer is simple.
Everyone grieves differently.
Its all on you when you can move on and go on with your life.
For some it can take months to heal and move on.
For others it can take years or decades heal and to move on with your life.
It all depends on you. And who you lost and how dear they were in your life.
Life moves on. Whether you like it or not. Its just your choice weather to move with it or not.
A Fight With Depression
Short Story(Trigger Warnings) Do not read if you are bothered by reading very real everyday senarios such as suicide, self harm, and other things that tend to mend with having most mental illnesses. This book is a different book where every chapter is a short...