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Tanya Moore
Present day, October 22nd, 2012

Fall time in October wasn't so bad, well at least not in New Orleans. I hated the fact that we had to move in the beginning of the school year, I guess that's what I get for opening my big fat mouth.

I made a mistake and forgot to cover up the big purple bruise on my right arm and my teacher caught whiff of it.

As bad as I wanted to lie and tell her a bull shit ass story, I really wanted her to help me. That back fired once my dad heard about it, he made me lie and tell them I made the whole thing up.

I never felt so foolish in my life, the way my teacher looked at me, let me know she knew I was telling the truth, but she couldn't help me if I didn't want her help.

Truth is I did need the help, but I was more fearful of my father than some guys in uniform, word got around and people started talking and asking my dad questions.

He beat me that night and I laid there mute.. I deserved it, I should've lied better, hell I should've doubled checked myself.

Two weeks later, I found out we were moving, I wanted to put up a fight cuz I loved where I was at and I loved the house, it reminded me of mom..

I wanted to speak up, but I thought against it, now here I was sitting in this damn school office being enrolled in a school I didn't know shit about or care to be in.

I'll know next time to keep my mouth shut.


"You must be my new student..Tanya Moore?" The average height white lady asked once I walked through the door.

The whole class had their eyes on me and I shifted uncomfortably. "Uh.. yeah." I spoke lowly, "I'm Mrs. Drew, nice ta' meet you."

She greeted holding her hand out with a smile that matched her eyes, I hesitantly shook it. "Nice to meet you.." I mumbled, she continued to smile at me and I looked around awkwardly.

"You can take a seat anywhere you see open availability." She announced in that heavy accent that I heard from the Principal and Guidance Counselor.

I hope everyone doesn't have it, I be having a hard time tryna make sense of half the things they speak of.

"Cool." I said roaming the class for an empty seat, I found one right in the back of the class and practically ran to it.

Once I settled in, I glanced at the board as I opened up my binder and pulled out my notebook to write down the notes.

"Tanya right?" A feminine voice asked, I turned my head to the right and was met with a pretty brown skin girl, almond shaped brown eyes, that looked to be sparkling.

Full lips, that looked to never miss a day or moisturizer, a dope ass short cut, that fit her features well.

She had a red plaid shirt, that was wore over a gray fitted tank, the shirt was only buttoned at the neck part, she paired it with all black skinny jeans that were ripped on her upper thigh area and at both knee sections, then she finished the outfit with some adidas and big hoops.

"Hello?" She called snapping me from my thoughts

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"Hello?" She called snapping me from my thoughts. I blinked a few times then stared at her.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked feeling a little stupid for getting caught staring.

"I just wanted to let you kno, you don't have ta' write these notes, at least not yet." She explained and I squinted slightly.

I did not need any type of reason for my dad to get drunk and want to lay hands on me. "Seriously, whenever she wants us to write things down, she always tells us." She added with a small laugh and I just looked at her.

"I'll just stick to what I know." I implied, then turned back to doing what I was doing. I felt her burning a hole in the side of my face, but I did my best to ignore it.

Thirty minutes after Mrs. Drew talking she finally announced that we could follow her lead and write down what she says.

I heard the girl laugh slightly beside me and I mentally cursed myself, here I was making myself look like a fool AGAIN.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast and to my luck, me and that girl, who I learned name was Nina, had all our classes together.

I did my best to avoid her and keep distance. I didn't need anyone trying to get all in my personal space or know my business.

She seemed like a good person, but my life wasn't meant for her to be involved in.. I also didn't need the pity.

At least not now..

"I just got this for you, I got a good deal on it." My dad said handing me an black iPhone. I gave him a half smile, he wasn't as bad when he was sober, it was the drunk him that scared me.

"I got one for me, so you can call or I can call you whenever.. I've been thinking about going to work.." he said which shocked the hell out of me.

"I can't keep sitting on my ass collecting my checks.. so I'ma go head and work for the city." He explained bored.

"That's good." I said softly, he stared at me for a few then walked out the living room. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in.

"I think you should look for a job as well.. nothing too much, something simple." He said coming from the back in a nice all black button down.

"I got an interview, then I'ma do some roaming around, so I'll be home late." He informed and I felt my heart sink.

"O-ok good luck." I stuttered rushing towards my bedroom before he could say anything.

"He wasn't gonna go site seeing, He was gonna go and find himself a bar to get drunk at, then bring the nonsense here and attack me.

But.. he can't attack if I'm "asleep." I'll just have to make dinner soon after he leaves, quickly eat, shower and force myself to sleep after I play with my phone for a little.

"Keep the door locked!" He yelled before I heard him leave out. I waited five minutes before I got up and rushed into the kitchen to prepare a meal.

Damn I hope this plan works...

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