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Friday, September 12th, 2014

"I swear this was the hardest and longest three and a half weeks!" I whined hugging Ron when he got out his car.

That looked like he gotten a new paint job and got more handsome than the last time I seen him.

"You called my ass like every hour, fucking with my money and my sex life, if anybody had it hard.. it would be me." He laughed as he ruffled my hair and I smirked.

"Sorry I just missed my partner." I admitted once I got inside the car. "Trust me , I already know." He added with a wink and I shied away.

"Monica still bugging you?" I asked after he pulled out the parking lot. "Yeah all she does is ask about you, I don't know why she just don't call you, she got yo numba'."

He stressed and I giggled. "That's Monica." I said looking at my phone screen. "Guess who my roommate is?"

I said with a small smile, "Nina." He replied and I pouted, damn nigga.

"How'd you know?" I asked hoping my assumptions weren't correct. "Told her brother da next day, I was in da room when she FaceTimed his ass."

He informed and I slowly nodded, feeling relieved for some reason. "How she treat you?" He questioned looking at me then back towards the freeway.

"Good, she's very nice, but I tend to go in my room and just busy myself with my writing and studies, I feel bad sometimes."

I announced, "Don't feel bad, just don't shut her down if she really wants to be your friend, Nina cool as hell and she crazy, you'd be a fool not ta' have her as yo lil sidekick or whatever y'all females call each other."

He added making me laugh and he joined. "I missed your rude ass." I revealed once the laughter died down.

"I missed yo lil ass too, even tho you went and got thicker and prettier on a nigga." He teased pulling at one of my curls and I smacked his hand away.

"I just filled out a little more in my hip and thigh area, no big deal." I replied simply and he smacked his lips.

"You was gorgeous before, but it's like you done left and glo'd up on a nigga, like you "fuck boy free." He continued and we both erupted in laughter.

"I could say the same about you." I half flirted as I took his hat and placed it on my head, but my curls were too much.

"Big ass head." He joked taking his hat back and I stuck my tongue out. "My head not big, my hair is just big for your info."

I replied smartly, "You got a smart ass mouth for somebody who can't fight." He stated and I snapped my fingers.

"Sure do" I commented and he chuckled softly. "Pretty ass." I heard him say and I bit my lip to hide my smile.

"Any lil niggas tried to get at you?" He asked as he cut his eyes in my direct briefly. "Not really, I mainly run away whenever they talk to me for longer than thirty seconds.. my anxiety shoots through the roof."

I admitted feeling stupid for even telling him that. "What you scared of?" He asked turning to look at me then back at the highway.

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