19.) "Fallin"

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The next day

Last night events played in my head all morning. I wanted to ask Nina if she heard anything weird, but she hasn't mentioned it or looked at me goofily like she did.

We had full conversation and watched movies together and not once has she made any jokes about August and I.

I wasn't sure if she heard and just decided to mind her business, but I'm hoping she didn't.

"Your brother still sleeping?" I asked glancing at the time on their cable box, which read 11:25.

"I think he had a late run last night." She replied getting up and walked into the kitchen to make more popcorn for us.

"I'll be back." I said carefully getting up, I moved slow but quickly so she wouldn't see me limping.

Once I made it out the living room and towards the steps I coached myself as I walked up them. It took me about 2 minutes, that's a damn shame.

I made it towards August room which was across the hall and opened the door slowly. Sure enough he was laying there asleep, I had to smile.

I slowly walked in being sure to close the door behind me, "August?" I called in a whisper as I walked towards his bed.

He didn't even move, I shook my head then climbed on the bed cautiously. I eased under the blanket and used to my hand to prop my head up and just stared at him.

Lord was he perfect, he had a slight frown on his face, how can you be so damn fine and sleep like the world mad at you?

That ain't make sense, but hell I know what I'm tryna say.

"Morning luh bit" He mumbled pulling me on to him. "Good morning." I greeted shyly as I examined his body still.

"You straight?" He asked with his eyes still closed, "Yes." I answered more cheerful. "Thank you." I added and he opened his eyes then ran his hand down his face.

"For what?" He questioned and I gave him that look. "Nah Thank you." He said chuckling softly and I smiled staring at him.

"I'ma get yo stuff in a few, right now a nigga tired." He laughed and I joined him. "I am too, but I got up to hang with Nina."

I informed, his hands roamed my thighs and I had to stop him when I felt him grow under me.

"I'm sore." I whispered, truth is I was scared and started to feel guilty. "Poor baybeh." He teased wrapping his arms around me and pulled me down towards him.

I giggled when he turned us over and laid in between my legs. "Oh no, nope." I said, as he licked over his lips then moved up towards me.

"Later?" He questioned after pecking my lips. "Maybe." I responded grabbing his face and kissed him deeply.

"Tanya." He grumbled against my neck as he tried his hardest to remove my shorts. "Sorry." I giggled as I stopped sucking on his neck.

"Let me shower right quick." He said getting up and pulled me up with him. I stood on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Sorry." I apologized again referring to his lil situation he had to take care of. "You good ma."

He assured, tilting my chin up as he leaned down some and planted a lingering kiss on my lips.

A moan slipped out and he chuckled. "Horny ass." I teased as I walked towards his door. He stared at me for a while and I stared back as the image of Ron flashed in my head and I closed my eyes.

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