26.) Sit down pt. 1

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January 28th

"Are you serious?... wow.. no that's fine.. don't even worry.. I only had a few more songs to do, but cool.. Mhm.. yup.. goodbye."

Ending the call, I stared at August in deep disappointment. "What happened?" He asked kneeling down in front of me.

"They pushed my album release date all the way back to December... freakin December August! I have a few songs to finish. I'm so pissed oh my God!"

I stressed, "Weren't they da ones who told you, dat you had to have it finished by next month?" He asked and I nodded.

"They said I've been M.I.A for too long so they decided to push it back cuz my fans were starting to get antsy." I told them I broke my phone and had to wait for my new one to come in, but they didn't care."

I told him before I started crying. "I wanted to have it done early, therefore I can tour early and have the Holidays to chill."

I continued and he stood up and wrapped his arms around me. "Fuck dem, if you gotta release a single every month do dat. They damn near forced your hand to have it finished by next month and now they pushed it back ta December? Thas fucked up"

He said and I just continued to cry. "I can't release anything unless they give me the okay." I mumbled into his shirt.

"Dis is exactly why I didn't want you ta take dat deal. You gotta do shit on their timing and not go own. YOU be up late night early mornings stressing to get a song finished. YOU are da one working yo ass off making sure da song is perfect or to their liking. They just sit on their asses, collect yo checks and tell you if it's good or not even if it is good they'll still lie."

He ranted, shaking my head I pulled away and looked up at him. "This is so stupid." I said as he wiped my face.

"Dey stupid, fuck em." He added making me smile. "At da end of da day they need you more den you think, so make em sweat a lil bit, I bet dat'll teach em." He stated and I sat thinking.

"I'll pray on it." I said, sitting on the sofa by me he looked over at me then lifted my sweater. "How it feel?" He asked looking at my scar, that was stitched up.

"Doesn't really hurt unless I press on it or accidentally bump into something." I said and he chuckled. "Cuz you are clumsy." He stated then laughed.

"Whatever." I said swatting his hand away when he started tracing it. "What about this one?" He asked rolling my sleeve up carefully.

"I still gotta be careful, if I move too quick or the wrong way, I'll feel the pain." I told him as he turned my arm slightly to look at it.

"Speaking of this.." I started looking at him, rolling my sleeve back down he stared at me.

"We may have a situation." I told him biting my lip nervously. "What?" He asked, "Mary sort of .. um took out my Nexplanon." I announced.

Furrowing his brows be scratched his chin. "Yo what?" He questioned and I laughed softly. "My birth control implant." I clarified.

"Huh? How?" He asked, "She said she had to remove it to get to the bullet.." I replied, "Oh." He said and I stared at him.

"That's it?" I asked, "Yeah." He said standing up and I got up following him. "You have nothing more to add?" I asked slightly taken aback.

"Nah." He replied going into the fridge and took out the chicken breasts, I put down there last night.

Folding my arms, I leaned on the side of the counter as he looked through the cabinets for whatever he was trying to find.

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