21.) "No more!"

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9 that night

Opening my eyes, I blinked a few times. I didn't even realize I was out.. maybe I did lose more blood than I thought.

Wiping my face, I looked down at my arm seeing it slightly purple and the blood trickling down on my arm.

"Ah man." I mumbled, using my free hand to remove the duct tape. After that, I removed my tied rip shirt.

Looking around the semi dark room, looked down at the chain.

Leaning down to get a better view, I inspected the lock on it. "Thank you Jesus." I whispered reaching in my hair and pulled out my bobby pin.

Opening it fully, I looked towards the door making sure Tre wasn't coming.

Sticking it inside the lock I wiggled it around, trying to get it to unlock. "Please God." I prayed growing frustrated.

"Please..." I begged wiggling it around faster. "YES!" I shrieked when the lock clicked. Taking the chain off quickly, I got up but leaned against the wall when I got dizzy.

"Come on Tanya.. come on." I coached myself, taking a few deep slow breaths, I stood up and walked around the big space searching for a weapon.

Remembering there was a window, I rushed to it and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. "No no no! Please no!" I panicked hitting the window, but it was like a plastic glass.

"Bitch!" I cursed hitting it. "Fucking bitch!" I gritted looking around the space. Running towards the door, I placed my ear to it and tried to listen for any sounds.

Not hearing anything, I jiggled the door handle quietly, seeing that it was locked, I squatted down and stuck my bobby pin in the small circle that was in the door knob.

Pushing it inside and moving it around, I heard something click and my eyes widened. "Jesus!" I whispered opening the door carefully, then peeked out.

Seeing I was up on the second floor I'm assuming, I cautiously walked out into the hallway.

"Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. They kingdom come thy will be done.. in Earth as it is in Heaven. Give ME this night my daily bread.. forgive me of my trespasses as I have forgiven my trespassers. And lead me not into temptation but deliver me from the evil one..."

I prayed quietly as I walked the semi lit hall. Hearing something I quickly searched for the nearest door and went inside of it.

Holding my breath I heard Tre mumbling some stuff to himself. "Tanyaaaa?" He called sounding like he walked passed the door.

When I heard the other door open, I quickly but quietly opened the door I was hiding behind and rushed out. Jogging down the hall and down the stairs I heard a car door slam.

Pausing I looked around for a quick exit or hiding place, but froze when the lights turned on and Tre was standing holding the gun towards me.

"How the hell you get out?!" He asked confused as hell. "You didn't tighten it." I lied as I held my hands up trying to ignore the pain that was shooting through my arm.

"Bring yo ass up here." He demanded cocking the gun back, cursing myself I slowly headed back up as my mile ran a mile a second trying to come up with a plan.

"I know I can't leave you by yourself no more, I met the prettiest bitch to, bad lil things with a nice ass."

He said as he motioned for me to walk ahead of him.

Walking slowly I thought I heard August them voice, but that was impossible.

"Walk." He demanded shoving me. Rolling my eyes, I walked towards the room. When we got inside I sworn I heard August them.

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