22.) "Mom"

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A day later

"Where am I?" I asked no one in particular as I walked up to a tall gate. Looking around when it opened, I debated if I should walk in or not.

"Turn back around.. just turn back." I mumbled to myself, turning around slowly, I started to creep away, but couldn't move.

"What the..hey! What's going on?!" I freaked as I was being pulled in by nobody. "Let me go!" I screamed as if I could actually see who was grabbing me.

"This is some scary shit." I whispered looking around the beautiful place. Still I had no clue where I was at.

Walking on the blue trail, I noticed a few little kids playing kick ball. "Hey!... hey! Excuse me?!" I called walking over to them.

"Hey! Where am I?" I asked, giggling they picked the ball up and I damn near passed out when I saw wings come out their backs.

"I'm dreaming.. this is a bad dream." I told myself as I walked quickly to a near door.

"That wasn't there before." I said to myself, looking behind me then back to the door, I knocked.

"H-hello?" I stuttered as I pushed the door open. "Oh my." I gawked at how beautiful it was inside.

"This is some freaky stuff." I whispered, walking towards a desk a lady sat in all white, was beautiful as ever.

Black and beautiful.

"Oh hello?" She greeted smiling at me, about time someone spoke to me.

"Hey.. um.. I think I'm lost." I said and she laughed. "If only you knew how many times I heard that." She said and I frowned.

"Here take this and follow the directions." She said tapping the desk and a white sheet appeared.

Looking at her, I stood in my spot. "I know you just saw that." I said and she laughed. "I did." She replied motioning for me to come here.

Looking around, I wondered where the hell August them was at. "He's fine." She announced, confused I just brushed it off and grabbed the sheet.

Looking it over, I looked at her and she pointed, following her finger, another door appeared.

"Yeah.. no you can have this.. I'm gonna go." I said trying to run but couldn't move. "Really?" I asked looking over at her.

"Sorry Tanya." She apologized and before I could ask how she knew my name, I was going through a portal.

"JESUS HELP ME!!" I shouted then stopped in a grass field where more kids were.

"Hey.. can someone tell me where Pe-." Not even answering or looking my way, they all pointed to another door.

"Just great." I mumbled dragging my feet as I headed to the door.

"Just grea—whoa!" I said looking at the gorgeous palace I was in. "Now all I need is some grapes and sprite." I said to myself and next thing I know I was holding a can of sprite and a bowl of red grapes.

"Oh yeah.." I giggled, walking up the stairs as I ate my grapes. Hearing someone call my name in almost an echo, I looked around as I headed up the long stairs.

"This would be a perfect for wings." I mumbled before taking a sip of my soda. "Finally reaching the top, I sighed deeply.

"Man was that a workout." I complained, hearing someone laugh, I followed the sound. Sitting my stuff down on a nearby table.

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