13.) Caged Bird

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Same night

"Y'all want anything ta' eat?" August asked walking in Nina's room. "I know a lot of restaurants are closed, jus' get us some Wendy's." She replied for the both of us.

I just continued looking at old pictures of Ron and I.. I know it was a bad move, but I really missed him.

"Say luh mama let me talk ta' you." I heard him say, but I ignored him. "I don't think she wants to be bothered bro." Nina announced as I continued to scroll through my photos.

"It's been a month, I think it's time she talked." He said and I felt the bed dip.

I didn't even look up I knew it was him by the cologne and his different energy.

"I'll go with Caine to get da' food, I kno what you like boo." She said and I simply nodded. "You want somethin' August?" She asked, he didn't say anything but I know he nodded his head.

"Caine already kno." He said, the bedroom shut and we both just sat there. Well he sat and watched me flip through old videos and pictures.

Once we heard the front door shut, he spoke.

"You still love him?" He asked and I continued to ignore him. "I guess I gotta bring out Yung." I heard him say before he snatched my phone and stood up, doing God knows what.

"Give me my phone back!" I yelled reaching for it but he kept moving as his finger continued to do whatever he was doing.

"Please don't delete anything, that's all I have left August.. really." I spoke softly as I sat on the bed and stared at the ring.

"I never really took da time ta' talk with you, but I've been watching you, not on no creep shit, I do dat' wit' anybody who comes in my sister circle." He explained and I continued to look at the ring.

"You've got a lot of shit going for you, you young and gorgeous as hell. You got an voice of an angel and you're smart as hell from what Nina said." He complimented and I shrugged.

"You sitting around crying over a nigga when it's plenty of otha's dat would be happy ta' see you smile again." He continued and I looked at him funny.

"I guess it's supposed to be you?" I asked boldly with much attitude. "If I really wanted you, I could have you." He said handing me my phone back as he got up.

Maybe I took it too far. "August!" I called a little too loud for my liking. He kept walking towards the door and I grabbed his hand.

He stared at me with an expressionless face and I instantly grew nervous. "I'm sorry.." I apologized defeatedly.

"No hard feelings." He assured going to walk away but I stopped him again and he chuckled. "Um.. can we be friends?" I asked then mentally slapped myself.

"Friends?" He asked smirking and I started to regret asking. "I like talking to you.. you don't hold back." I admitted looking down at my feet.

"Is dat so?" He questioned taking a step forward towering over me and I swear I thought I was gonna pass out.

"If you don't want to w-." Before I could finish he tilted my chin up and stared down at me. "Do you want to? Or am I just like a second option?" He asked staring at me.

"You're not an second option, I wouldn't do that cuz I'd be mad if someone did that to me.. I always wanted to talk to you, but you were always rude.. now I know why."

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