8.) Stay pt. 1

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Later that night

"I used ta be jus like dat nigga." I announced referring to the movie, we was watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

"I don't believe that." She laughed as she pulled the covers over us more. "Believe it, I hated Christmas, my moms played a part in it. I really ain't start getting into it until I started taking care of Ni."

I admitted and she nodded slow.

"I'm so tired." She mumbled before she yawn and snuggled into me more. "Wanna go ta bed?" I asked as she played with the necklace I gave her the same day we had our dumb ass first argument.

"Tell me some more stories about your childhood." She spoke softly, I could tell by the sound of her voice and the way she kept blinking her eyes she would be knocked out soon.

"I remember one time on Thanksgiving my mom was seeing another one of her clown ass niggas." I started off and shook my head at the memory.

"Shit was moving smooth for the most part until everyone started drinking." I paused and moved some to get comfortable as I felt her relaxing.

"It's always that one person that gotta show out and act a damn fool." I went on and she smiled lazily as her eyes closed.

"An old friend of my moms was getting too friendly with her and her old man ain't like dat shit."

"They fucked around and gots ta arguing den next thing I know I think everyone in da room damn near died. Nina was too young ta remember and I just ain't unda'stand until a few years lata."

I explained drifting down my sad childhood.

"Her friend yelled out that she would've had his first child if she ain't aborted it.." she sat up and looked at me shocked and I just nodded.

"I had an older sister.. well would've had one." I stated and she continued to stare at me in shock, I chuckled then pecked her nose.

"She was a fucked up person.. ain't always been but things happen. I just thought it was fucked up how dude announced it. I ain't never see him again afta dat.. I know her now ex had something ta do with it."

I explained licking over my lip as I started to become angry. "Change the subject.. sing to me." She said feeling the mood about to change.

"You sing ta me luh bit.." I replied as I rubbed her back in circle motion. She was quiet for a while then started singing Lyfe Jennings Hypothetically.. that's my shit.

She only made it to the third verse before she fell asleep and I laid here deep in thought. I stared at the Christmas tree and the presents T and I put under it a while ago.

I wasn't in the mood for a holiday right now, but I was gonna try my hardest to be excited tomorrow for Tanya.

I know it's what Nina would've wanted.

Christmas morning

Tanya and I woke up around 8 this morning to get started early. We were supposed to head over to Caine spot, she wanted us to open up our small gifts later tonight and I was fine with that.

"I'a be right back." I told her as I jogged upstairs to get the rest of the gifts. I walked into my closet and moved the rack of clothes.

I picked up a few boxes then paused when it sounded like someone kicked the door in.

"AUGUST!!!" I heard her scream before shit was being knocked down. I dropped the stuff and grabbed my gun then took it off of safety before I rushed out.

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