28.) Warrior Song pt. 1 (Updated)

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February 1st (4 days later)

"Uh, if I can teach somethin' so be it and hope somebody learn somethin' from it and give it back." Listening to Nas rap, I nodded my head to the beat as I listened to write my my lines that fit the song.

"They can't break me or shake me
They too fake to come kill me
Think they faith is with Satan
They mistake me I'm filthy
Rich off the ghetto medleys, so now they wanna dare me
It's gonna be a murder confront me, the burners are empty" He continued.

"Middle Passage I made it, I'm from the land of David
The Nazarene of Bethlehem they had me wrapped in blankets
Ya bunch of backward gangsters
Y'all signin affidavits. Snitches with smiling faces, got you blowin trial, I hate this."

Smiling I peeped the Jesus comparison. Looking at my notebook, I tapped my pen against my lip as I thought of what to write.

Hearing the music stop, I looked up seeing him removing his headphones. Coming out the booth, he came over and sat next to me.

"What you think so far?" He asked, "I like it.. your Album is tilted God's Son right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I peeped the Jesus comparison.. that was dope." I told him, "Good looks... let me see what you got." He said reaching for my book, but I quickly closed it.

"I'm still uh working on it." I said and he looked at me funny. "Let me see what you got.. maybe I can help." He suggested but I shook my head.

"It's fine, I got it." I said and he nodded slowly. "Ok.. well you hungry? Cuz I need help with this next verse if you don't mind." He added and I looked over at the clock for the time.

"Actually can we put this on hold until tomorrow? I'm supposed to be babysitting my niece in the next hour." I told him and he looked as if he wanted to say something but chose not to.

"Is that fine?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, I got a session with Jully Black tomorrow afternoon, so is six cool?" He asked and I nodded.

"Thank you." I acknowledged as I grabbed my things and got up. "No problem, be safe." He said walking me to the door.

"You too." I added before jogging down the stairs. Saying bye to some of his friends, I got outside and Big T came out to open the back door but I stopped him.

"I told you, you don't have to do that. You work hard as is." I said and he chuckled still opening the back door.

"I don't mind it, you and the Mr. are one of the first folks I worked for that were actually genuine." He revealed and I smiled.

"You are appreciated and a good man. I don't see how someone would treat you other than." I told him as I got situated.

"It's life ya know." He said before closing the door. "Home?" He asked once he got back behind the wheel.

"Yes and no. I have to shower cuz I'm babysitting Caine's daughter, while they go out." I told him. "Sounds fun." He added and I smiled.

I got lost in some emails and texts from my team and I also went ahead to chat with a few of my supporters on Twitter.

If it wasn't for them, nobody would know who I was..
"Auntie Ya Ya!" Marie shrieked as she ran towards me once I entered the house. "She already had her bath and ate.. you can give her a snack if you want later on." Caine said as he walked towards me.

"Thanks.. I guess we'll just watch movies and make a sundae if that's fine with you??" I said hopeful and he chuckled when Marie screamed.

"Yeah thas cool.. be good baby girl." He told her after giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Thanks sis!" He called before jogging out.

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