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January 5th (3 days later)

"Ready?" Big T asked once I opened the door. August hasn't spoken to me in three days and I've been trying my hardest not to find a razor or some pills.

I know what I do affected him in a different way, but I couldn't help it.. I tried.

I just didn't understand why NOW was he letting it bother him to the point where he ignores me.

He came home two days ago but he slept in the guest bedroom and he's rarely here anyways.. always "taking care of business."

"Yeah." I replied checking my email again then grabbed my notebook.. I needed to release some tension.

Grabbing my house key, I grabbed my purse then placed my coat on.

After we got outside he opened the back seat door for me and waited until I was situated before he closed it then got in the driver seat.

Reading a few emails and seeing the photos the paparazzi got of August and I together, I rolled my eyes.

Swear they were nosy.

"How has your morning been so far?" I asked wanting to have a conversation, I really needed someone to talk to.

"Great actually, thanks for asking." He replied making me smile.

"Are you always so professional with your clients?" I asked and he chuckled, first time I seen that.

"Yeah.. key is to not get attached cuz we never know when they don't need us or if worse may occur." He responded causing me to frown.

"What if I told you I would hope that you would stay until it was time for you to retire?" I questioned seriously, he looked at me in the rear view then back to the road.

"I heard that three-now four times." He answered and I pursed my lips. "It's all about actions right?" I stated curiously.

"They speak louder than words Mrs. Alsina." He replied with a smile, I caught on to what he just did.

"I guess.." I mumbled looking out the window feeling my mood instantly shift. "My apologies." He said but I waved it off.

"It's not your fault.. just hasn't been my week these last few days." I told him as I wiped away a stray tear.

"Sorry to hear that." He apologized stopping at a red light, "Yeah.. me too." I commented.

Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, he turned the radio up and surprisingly my song "Fallin" was playing.

Shaking my head, I sighed deeply and ran my hand through my hair a few times. "Damn I needed some weed or something."

"I must say.. I think this is one of my favorites." He complimented then started singing along terribly.

I erupted in laughter and he kept going, even turned the music up louder. I had to record him, he was really getting into it.

I know he only did it to make me feel better, but I didn't mind, I appreciated it.

Pulling up to the semi empty studio, I made a mental note to have one built in the house.

"Thanks." I acknowledged looking at him, "Happiness is life.. sadness is deathly." He spoke smoothly before he opened the door for me.

As I let what he just said marinate.

"You know where it's at." The guy said after I paid, nodding I headed towards the cut then up the stairs with T right behind me.

MISUSED (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now