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"If he loves you he won't try to find you." Tre said as he looked at me. Looking down then at him, I just stared at him.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked looking at the bruise on my arm from fighting with him

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"Why are you doing this?" I asked looking at the bruise on my arm from fighting with him. If I was gonna go I was going with a fight and looking at his busted lip and scratch up under his eye.

I think I did a damn good job.

I just can't believe I was being so careless and not careful.


"So you like the famous life?" James asked looking at me as he handed me a boat with onion rings in it and a peach smoothie.

"It's good.. I miss when people weren't all in my life.. now you got some people looking up my past and tryna put stuff together." I told him as I sipped on my smoothie.

"That's what comes with the territory." He added taking a onion ring. Nobody was in here besides two other people and us and his bartender.

"Yeah.. it gets annoying after awhile." I told him and he smiled. "I understand." He said just as someone walked in.

Eating my food, he got up to greet the person.

It didn't dawn on me to look until I heard the familiar voice and my body stiffened. "What is your name?" Janes asked him.

"Tre.. I thought I seen someone I knew come in here." He told him, standing up slowly I pulled my phone out my pocket and made my way towards the back door.

"Don't let that man follow me please." I told the bartender, nodding I quickly walked to the back door and left out.

Dialing August number, I walked quickly cursing myself for not staying in Wendy's with Monica them.

"Helluh?" He answered, "Hey.. Uh.. Tre's here." I told him as I walked the back way back to Wendy's.

"At Wendy's?" He asked, "No.. I walked to the Night Club I used to sing at and somehow he found me."

I told him feeling like someone was following me. Turning around slightly I noticed a black car.

"Why didn't you st-.. Tanya how far from Wendy's are you?" He asked, "He was by the front door so I took the back door.. I'm like fifteen minutes from it."

I told him as I started walking faster seeing the car getting closer.

"What's around you?" He questioned, "Nothing I took the back way August I'm so stupid!" I panicked.

"Calm down is he near you?" He asked and before I could respond I was grabbed. "NO STOP!" I screamed swinging on him wildly.

"LET ME GO!" I yelled hitting him with my phone, hearing August yell I started running but was tackled to the concrete.

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