7.) Karma

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Thursday, Christmas Eve.

"Do you want kids?" Eva asked as we walked through the mall doing some Christmas shopping.

It's been just a day since we met and I swear it felt like I've known her for forever. She was so sweet, funny as hell, protective like August them.

She was an undercover savage and she gave great advice, hence the fact that she's been married for thirty years.

Her husband was flying down here later on today from New York.

I knew I heard a little of an Bronx accent when we were talking but her NOLA accent stepped in the way at times.

They ran a restaurant together, a soul food one at that. And they also had a daycare center, Caine had them set but they both like working still, especially since it was two things they loved.

Cooking and children.

"Not right now." I replied as I ate some of my frozen yogurt. She offered me a pretzel bite but I declined.

"How many do you want?" She asked as we walked into the build a bear store. A few people looked my way and I contemplated on leaving out.

"Two.. maybe three." I answered walking out the store and she followed me. "Tired of taking pictures?" She asked smiling and I nodded.

"I don't wanna seem rude, but I like my own space." I told her just as I little girl came running my way with a couple not to far behind.

"Not again." I mumbled tossing my bowl in the trash then put on a fake smile. "Hiiii!" She cooed waving at me shyly.

I waved back then looked at her parents.. I'm assuming.

"I'm sorry she really wanted to take a picture." The lady apologized grabbing the little girl hand.

"It's fine." I lied and squatted down motioning for her to come over. She happy steeped into my arms and the lady stepped back some before she took a few pictures.

When I realized they wanted pictures as well, I took a few with them then quickly walked away with Grandma Eva on my trail.

"It's okay to say no." She informed once we sat down in a private area and I sighed as I sat the bags on the table.

"I know.. I just don't have time for an argument or the media taking it out of context." I explained as I replied back to August.

"Why don't you jus' get one personal bodyguard?" She questioned and I bit my lip nervously.

"Just had some bad experiences with one." I said not wanting to go back down that route.

"Understood.. not everyone is bad tho." She said and I just nodded.

"How well do you know Caine's girlfriend?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"She's okay." She answered simply as she continued eating her pretzel bites.

"Why?" She asked looking at me and I waved her off. "Just curious." I semi lied, she gave me a look and I cleared my throat deciding to change subjects.

"How long are you visiting?" I asked her and she watched the rest of the Christmas shoppers pass by.

"Just for Christmas, Caine's grandfather and I have an annual vacation we take to Jamaica every year to celebrate the new year."

She responded with a smile and I smiled seeing the look of pure love dance in her eyes.

"That's beautiful." I said absent minded and she chuckled. "Yeah he's a piece of work some times." She added getting up and I did the same making sure we had all our bags.

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