4.) Woman's Worth

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January 19th, 2013

"I heard your birthday is dis' Saturday.. got anything planned?" Ron asked as he slid across from me.

I've been limiting how much I talk to him, one cuz I was a minor by law, two I didn't need to get caught up in his lifestyle and three I just didn't need a relationship or the added drama.

"Not really.. I don't celebrate my birthday." I admitted as I dipped my fry into my honey mustard.

"You turning 18.. that's an accomplishment!" He tried to encourage but I wasn't hearing it. "I don't celebrate it Ron, that's that." I stressed, it grew quiet between us two and I appreciated the silence.

"You don't have to close me out so much.. I'm not tryna hurt you." He stated as he slid out the booth, but I grabbed his arm.

"Sorry." I apologized, "Yeah you've been saying dat' a lot." He added pulling away gently then went back to work.

I pushed my food away and dropped my head on the table mumbling lyrics to a song I was working on.

"If you treat me fairly, I'll give you all my goods. Treat you like a real woman should, Baby, I know you're worth it.. if you never play me.." I sang softly to myself.

I couldn't figure out how I wanted the hook to sound, I had a little bit of the chorus, but I know I needed to get my hook together.

It's been like this for majority of my songs lately and I can't figure out why..

When I felt my phone vibrate against the table I lifted my head up and jumped slightly. Ron was sitting here this whole time.. Lord I hope he didn't hear me singing.

"Gotta stop doing that." I laughed nervously as I tapped my finger against my knee. "I wanted to apologize, but you were singing so I jus' decided ta' listen."

He admitted, "Make yourself known next time." I remarked as I gathered my trash and placed my phone in my back pocket and he followed me.

"If I do dat' you won't continue to sing." He announced and I sent him a fake smile. "That's the point." I told him as I brushed by him and into the back to punch back in.

"You sing?" Monica asked once I got in the drive thru area, I sent a glare in Ron's direction and he just smirked at me.

"Not really." I mumbled as I placed my headset on. "Thas' not what I'm hearing." She said giving me a look, my mom used to do.

"It's something personal." I half lied, "Well.. there's dis night club like ten minutes from here, that has poetry night, majority of the people either sing or do spoken word."

She explained grabbing a piece of receipt paper and pen and wrote the address down. I read over the address then stuck it in my pocket, just as a car came up.

"Welcome to Wendy's!" I chimed in my best professional voice, Ron them teased me about how white I sounded whenever I did that..

"Hey girl!!" The voiced yelled through the speakers, it sounded like Nina.. it had to be her ass.

"Hey.. Nina." I greeted unsurely, "We gotta work on your fake greetings luv' dis ain't cutting it." She said causing everyone to laugh.

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