15.) "No!" Pt. 2

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March 14th

It's been a week and a half, that has passed since the incident and Tanya was still mute.

When we took her to the hospital that's when we found out that her bruises were worse than we thought.

Found out her sperm donor had an history of beating her and that she always for some reason covered for him.

I didn't question it, cuz it wasn't my business. She had a broken rib, her crevix was badly bruised, he fractured her nose and then she just had minor cuts.

They tried to keep her in the hospital longer but she refused to stay longer than she felt she needed, she filed a police report but she couldn't remember what the guys looked liked.. at least that's what she told the cops.

I was so heart broken, all of this was going down and I couldn't even see the signs. Maybe I did but was just blind to it, she was my best friend and it hurt me to see her like this.

I wasn't used to this and it was scaring me. I didn't know what was going on in her mind. She barely spoke, she cried then just spaced out.

"You can leave in two days." The doctor told her, he wanted her to stay a little longer but she refused.

Luckily the guys weren't carrying any diseases, Doctors said she was lucky to even survive, but she didn't feel lucky at all and I couldn't blame her.

Her dad hasn't been home he's been hiding out, August and Caine has been looking for him since the incidents but got nothing.

They were gonna find him, August always handled his business and if he couldn't get to you he had shooters that got the job down for him if he wasn't close enough.

"Did you wanna eat?" He asked and she just shook her head as she stared at the wall blankly.

"You have to eat Tanya, I can't release you if I know you'll just be back in here the same day." He told her and she shrugged, I shook my head as my heart ached for her.

She was damaged and I couldn't do anything but be here for her the best way I could.

"Try to get her to eat please, she has to take her medication in the next hour." He whispered to me, I nodded as he walked out.

I carefully sat on the hospital bed with her and she broke down. It was a cycle, she cried whenever it was just us then she stared off in space, mumbled a few things, cry some more then just stay silent until she got medication for her to sleep.

I couldn't watch her go through it, it was hard but I had to be strong for her.

I texted August, I knew he was busy but I knew he could come and at least make her eat something, even if it was just a bite.

She was shutting down and I didn't want that for her, that would mean he won and he didn't. He may have broken her, but he didn't win.

God has the final say and as disgusting and disturbing this is, I know for some weird reason he had her go through this.

I wouldn't say he made or planned for her to go through this, but a blessing is gonna come out of this, I just know it.

"Wanna lay down with me?" I asked her after checking the time on my phone. She shook her head and I sighed.

"Don't shut me out sis.." I spoke softly as I got up and walked out the door just as my brother and Caine were coming my way, with the same angry looks.

That was their every day face though, I gotten used to it.

"She's still not talkin'?" He asked while I hugged him for dear life. "Nope and it's scaring me, I don't know what she's thinking or feeling." I softly cried into his chest.

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