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June 5th

"I hope you guys enjoy your summer vacation and come back with more surprises." My instructors said as we all gathered our belongings.

I was able to return last week and boy was I hit with questions after questions. I was caught up with all my work and exams.

August made sure of that. My doctor only told them what they needed to know, so I was happy about that.

"Tanya?" She called as everyone else was leaving out. I placed my stuff in my bag then headed over to her.

"Yes?" I answered ready to go, I know Nina was out waiting and I'm sure August was in the parking lot.

"You still write?" She asked and I nodded. "I heard you had a few gigs at the night club.. I haven't seen you there lately.." she said and I pursed my lips.

Obviously I was getting my ass beat and raped, but hey that's no excuse right?

"I was dealing with some things.." I told her as I glanced at the door then at her. "Does it have something to do with this?" She interrogated as she grabbed my arm and rolled my sleeves up revealing a few fresh cuts.

I wasn't suicidal nor tryna kill myself, I just got in my depressed moods at times and would go off in the bathroom and cut a few times to help me feel better.

It was a release from my heartache.

Nobody hasn't noticed cuz I've been wearing long sleeves or covering it up with makeup.

"No." I half lied, she gave me a sympathetic look and I instantly got mad. I hated that, stop feeling sorry for me, that's all people ever do.

"Yeah I gotta go Mrs. B, I really don't wanna have this talk." I told her as I pulled out my ringing phone, August insisted I get a new one.

With the money I had in my savings I just went ahead and got one.

"It's okay to feel sad or angry but don't hold it in.." She added her unneeded opinion. "I'm fine, thank you for everything, see you in a few months." I rushed out as I headed out the door bumping right into Nina.

"You okay?" She asked and I nodded quickly rolling my sleeves back down when she looked away. "Hi Nina!" Mrs. B called, Nina smiled and waved at her.

"She got everything done?" She asked walking in the room like I wasn't ready to go. "Yeah, we were jus' saying goodbye." I heard her say. I rolled my eyes and left out the room.

I did not have time for this, I had to call Monica to make sure she was gonna put me on the schedule in a couple weeks.

I needed to keep myself busy. Nina came out five minutes later, but didn't look too happy.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, she flashed me a smile and linked our arms together. "Nothing how was class?" She asked as we strolled down the half empty hallway.

"It was good, I stayed in my bubble and just wrote a few more songs and some poetry, how was class for you?" I stated as we headed outside.

I seen August car and for some reason I was excited.

"It was good, I'll sit in the back seat." She responded strangely, she grabbed my bag and skipped over to the car.

She gave her brother a hug then he opened the door for her after they spoke. He had his shades on but I knew he was staring at me as I was him.

"Hey." I greeted shyly, "Wassup luh bit." He responded pulling me into a well needed hug. "How was your last day?" He asked and I smiled and inhaled his cologne.

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