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December 23rd, Wednesday

"You wanna come wit me ta Caine spot?" I asked Tanya, my baybeh was sick as hell and I wanted to trade places with her.

"I don't wanna be around his girl." She said before coughing and I smacked my lips. "She at work, she ain't gon be dea. Plus his grandma coming ova ta cook.. she can make you some soup or somethin.."

I told her and she stared at me for a while. You could look into her eyes and see she was sick, they looked lifeless.

"Ok." She agreed climbing out the bed slowly then walked into the bathroom. I sat back down on the bed and checked a few emails.

In the process of waiting for Tanya to finish showering and shit I strolled downstairs and decided to smoke me a blunt.

I was gonna have to get her high one time, I rather she get high with me than around some goofies or people she barely know like that.

Hell I don't even trust that assistant of hers, she had to have known something about dude.

"Ready?" I asked her once she walked into the living room with her hair pulled up into a bun and she had her fitted black joggers and one of my hoodies, with her all black Nike's.

She looked dressed to beat a bitch ass the way her face was frowned up.

"You left this." She said dropping my phone in my lap not even looking at me. I wanted to see what the attitude was about but just remembered she was sick.

I grabbed the keys and slid my phone in my pocket then placed my hat on.

I opened the door and let her walk out then I locked it up.

She didn't even let me hold the car door open for her, so I knew she was upset about something.

"What I do?" I asked after I got in the car. "Nothing." She mumbled staring out the window and I stared at her for a while then just gave up.

I wasn't finna let her blow my high.

"You promise you never cheated on me?" She asked after we've been driving in awkward silence for the past ten minutes.

"I told you I tried dat one time and couldn't get it up. Otha' den dat, no Tanya it ain't no reason ta lie." I told her honestly, I don't know where all this was coming from.

"K." She said and I just shook my head. I was not doing this not today.

Once we got to Caine spot she walked up to his door quickly not even waiting on a nigga I wasn't sure what the hell I did.

"What it do woe? What you do ta sis?" He asked after dapping me up and I shrugged. "She walked in like She was ready to box a nigga." He chuckled and I shook my head.

"I don't kno why she mad." I announced stepping into his house. "Where Marie?" I asked referring to his daughter.

"Up in her room taking a nap.. she might be up now tho cuz that's where T jus' went." He responded as I followed him to the man cave.

"Ight so what's play afta Christmas?" I asked as he handed me a blunt and I lit that shit right up.

"We gotta fly ta New York for dis business meeting with one of our new connects. Dis one is gonna have us set for life." He informed and I nodded as I smoked my blunt.

"I've been looking at some businesses we could invest in and I know how you like hats and shades.. so I was thinking you look into starting your own business with dat."

He went on and I continued to listen, "I'm down.. what day we leaving? I don't want luh bit ta be hea by herself."

I asked and he grabbed out a notebook and flipped a few pages.

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