34.) Love, Sex, Serenity pt. 2

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"Are there sharks in here?" Tanya asked for the eighth time since we've been standing in the water.

We weren't even deep in it yet and she was freaking out. "No." The host assured. "I feel like you're lying." She said and Katherine started laughing.

They were pretty good company so we decided to do this together then part ways after.

"I'll go first if you want?" Katherine suggested but the host shook his head.

"You guys will be going together if Mrs. Alsina would put her mask on." He said giving her a look and she looked at me.

"I'm ready to swim wit some Turtles ma... you're kinda messing it up for us all." I told her and she pouted.

"I'm scared." She finally admitted and I sighed. "Tanya I'm right hea, you know you're safe whenever you're wit me." I told her taking ahold of her hand.

"You told me you always wanted to try dis so try it with me baybeh, I promise I got you." I told her honestly.

Looking back at everyone then back to me she sighed. "Fine." She mumbled. She put her mask on, then took ahold of my hand.

"Just know if I see a shark, I'm gonna assume you're gonna let it eat you first." She tried to whisper but everyone else heard her and I busted out laughing.

"Whatever floats your boat." I added and she winked at me as we walked deeper into the water with everyone else.

"We have a favorite guy who so happens to come out whenever we have women." He announced looking at Tanya and Katherine.

"That Turtle gon get fucked up if he try something." Tanya stated and I hit her thigh. "Watch your mouth." I warned and she laughed.

"They won't try anything Mrs. Alsina.. they're friendly." He told her but she shook her head.

"That's what they say about dogs before they attack you." She mumbled and Katherine them busted out laughing.

"Stop being a party pooper T, relax." I told her, I was ready to swim with some damn Turtles.

"Fine." She said moving up some, "There is absolute no reason why you should be afraid, BUT if there was a situation to happen we always have our emergency crew on standby."

He informed then pointed to our left and right. We looked in each direction and seen the men on the boats.

"So if there was a shark attack how quick could they get here?" Tanya asked and I shook my head.

"They'll see it before we do, so pretty quick." He replied and I rose a brow. "We have machines that detect that type of movement, that's why I tried to tell you that this area is safe."

He added. "Got it." She mumbled. He talked some more, before he motioned for us to follow him.

"Here he goes.." He announced pointing towards the middle of the water and I went under some to see what he was talking about.

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