3.) Diary

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Two days later

"Tanya ma get up for a second ." I called as I shook her slightly. I was tired as hell, but got up an hour ago to shower then get her a box of plan B cuz I didn't want to put a halt on her career.

I didn't mind having a mini us running around, but I wanted her to continue to prosper.

"I'm tired August." She whined and I laughed softly as I got up and hovered over her and rested my face on hers.

"Take dis pill for me right quick." I said and she shook her head. "You don't want a baby?" She asked a little disappointed.

"Believe me I do.. I just don't want you to put your career on pause right now." I explained.

"I'll take it when I get up." She assured and I shook my head. "Get up." I demanded, she turned over and stared at me with hurt evident on her face.

That wasn't what I was trying to do.

"I wouldn't trap you Aug.. I'm just tired that's all." She announced fighting back tears, I sighed and tossed the box out the way.

"I'll take it.. I just figured you were okay with what we did last night and the other night. She added moving away from me and grabbed the box.

I gently took it from her and stared at her.

"Why do you feel so passionate about this?" I asked and she looked down as a few tears fell.

"I'm in love with you and I know you're in love with me. My career has nothing to do with this, I'm allowed to have a life, I have more than one talent, plenty of investments and you just invested in the night club I used to sing at and own a club.."

She stated and I stared at her.

"You want a baby?" She asked as her lip trembled, I nodded then pulled her into a hug. "Why make me take this then?" She questioned referring to the box and I sighed.

"I just explained it." I stressed dragging my hand down my face. "You don't make sense." She mumbled and I cocked my head to the side some.

"Don't start with dat shit." I warned and she rolled her eyes and I grabbed her face.

"Let me put one in you on Christmas?" I suggested, she slowly nodded and hugged me tighter.

"That's a few weeks away.. what's the difference?" She asked after wiping her face. "You plan on dropping a single, so drop da single after a shoot my seed up in you again."

I told her, she pulled back then climbed onto my lap sitting right on my dick.

All she had on was my shirt, other than that she was naked.

"Promise?" She said and I nodded.

She reached in my pants and pulled my dick out and stared in my eyes as she lowered herself onto it.

"Let's get started now." She suggested licking over her lips as she held onto my shoulders and bounced on me slowly.

I held her waist and guided her.

"Mmm" she moaned, "You so stubborn yo." I chuckled and she smiled at me as she bit down on her lip.

She was my baybeh yo, I couldn't even front..
December 16th

"Lay your head on my pillow.. here you can be yourself. No one has to know what you are feelin' No one but me and you."

I watched as Tanya sang in the booth. She wanted a private recording session and since everyone knew who she was, the dude was gladly acceptable of it.

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