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January 11th, New York, NY

It was 4:30 when we landed and boy was I jet lag. All I wanted to do was shower than sleep.

We were able to check into our room thirty minutes early, I guess being famous had its perks.

Or maybe it was just cuz the lady took a liking to August?...

Big T room was two from ours on the left and Caine's was one down from ours on the right.

Walking into the room, I smiled at the view.

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It was beautiful

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It was beautiful.

"You like it?" August asked, nodding I placed my luggage in the corner and climbed in the bed. I still wasn't feeling good.

"You want something ta eat?" He asked climbing in bed with me. "I'll eat whatever you get.." I mumbled burying my face into the pillow.

Resting his face in the crook of my neck, I smiled. I swear he was just too great and his body heat felt even better.

"You kno I love you right?" He asked with his face still in my neck. "I know August." I replied moving so I could look at him, he seemed a little hurt.

"You know I would protect you wit my life right?" He asked giving me a serious look, nodding I stared at him confused.

"I want you ta remember dat." He said kissing me on my forehead then got off the bed. "For real T." He called before he walked out the room leaving me in my thoughts of confusion.

He could be strange at times.

Laying in the bed, my phone began ringing. Huffing, I got up and grabbed it off the table.

"Hello?" I answered the unfamiliar number.. I prolly should've ignored it.

"If you say something or act any strange way, your dead." Tre's cold voice spoke through the phone, looking around the room, I sat up in bed and quickly made sure the windows and door were locked.

"How did you-what do you want?" I asked going into the bathroom and locked the door.

Sitting in the corner of the tub, with a glass candle in my hand, I stared at the door.

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