3.) Troubles

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December 12th, 2012 ( Thursday )

Two months had passed and boy was I ready to graduate and began college. I never wanted out of a situation so bad as the one I'm in.

I wish my mom was still alive, I always felt safe with her and I know she would've gave my dad a run for his money if she knew what he's been doing.

I know she's turning in her grave every time he throws a lick, I wish I had her strength and courage, if only..

I got a job at the Wendy's on Read Boulevard, since my dad been working for the city I had to catch a cab every day.

Man was that eating at my pockets, he dropped me off for the first two weeks, after that he began picking up later shifts and making me find my own way there.

I hated catching the cab, cuz at times I would encounter some strange drivers, but I had to do what I had to do, especially if he wasn't gonna help.

"Good afta'noon Tanya." My manager Monica greeted as I clocked myself in. I've been here for a month and I already grown to hate and love some of my coworkers.

Monica was one out of the three people that I actually liked here, everyone else always had their nose turned up.

"Afternoon Monica." I said giving her a quick hug, I followed her to the back area to get my uniform out my locker.

"How are you today? You're twenty minutes late.." she said giving me a look and I gave her a small smile, hoping she wouldn't see through my lie.

"I'm fine, I got caught up in my homework." I lied straight through my teeth. She stared at me for a while then nodded slowly.

"Ok well.. start bringing your work with you from now on, that way you can clock in and just work on it, then began working once you finish."

She concluded as if she seen right through my lie. Truth was, I was covering up the bruise on my cheek from last night and I lost track of time due to the pain and crying I kept doing.

"Sounds like a plan.." I mumbled as I placed my fitted cap on then followed her back up front.

"You can work the drive thru since Leesha is about to leave out." She announced and I shrugged, I liked drive thru better than the front line anyways.

Two hours had went by, before I was finally able to work the drive thru and boy was I pushing through like a trooper.

"Did you wanna take a break?" Monica asked approaching me while I wiped down my area since we were kinda slow.

"Not really, but I will if you need me to." I replied looking at her, "I think you should, we're gonna get busy pretty soon and I need my best worker very well energized!"

She chimed and I laughed softly. "Ok." I said dropping the rag in the bucket then followed her to the back to punch out for my break.

"Ron and I will take care of the front, you enjoy your break." She stated, I sent a smile her way then waved shyly at the cooks who were watching us like always.

"What you eating today?" She asked once I came from out the bathroom. "The Crispy Chicken BLT combo." I answered as I replied back to my dad.

"Alright, here's your cup, I'll make Ron bring your food to you." She said with a wink and I shook my head.

I was not checking for Ron like that, but she swore I was. He was just good company while I worked here, he was 20 and had his own shit He was dealing with.

I guess we both were using each other for a comforter in a way. Once I got my drink I went and sat down in the booth and just played temple run, since I didn't have any friends to text.

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