1). Sequel

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November 29th

It's been two years since Nina passed and boy has it been a rough time for not only August but for Tanya as well.

They haven't seen or spoken to each other in seven months. After she graduated she signed with Columbia Records and she finished her album and sold 12 million copies.

When she had to leave for tour she asked August to come with her, but he insisted she go and do her thing.

They had a small disagreement, things took a turn for the worst and she was solo touring. She called, sent messages and he would just ignore her.

She gave up with trying after a month, when his birthday came around she had some gifts sent to him.

Still no message.. she was torn nonetheless but she wasn't gonna let that keep her down. Her life took a turn for greatness after all she's been through, she was doing good, but was missing her guy.. she missed him, but wasn't about to chase him.

She been through some stuff and wished he was around to help her or protect her, but got nothing..

He was grown, hell you would think that him being 23 he would be mature and wiser, but it seemed to go in reverse for him or at least that's what she thought.

Caine still kept in touch with her, he even tried to give her information on August whenever he could, but it wasn't the same if it wasn't coming from the person she wanted to speak to.

She tried to understand that he needed to cope with the death of his little sister and just maybe that explained his behavior, but it's been two years.. two years.

She needed him more than ever and it killed her that he wasn't there to help.


"Ok so since you're done touring.. what are you gonna do?" My assistant asked coming into my hotel room.

"I think I'm gonna go visit some friends and get started on my second album.." I told her with a small smile, she grinned and I winked.

"Does it start with an A?" She joked and I laughed.

"Depends on if the person answers." I stated and we both laughed. I got up and pulled my curls up into a loose bun.

"Take it slow with the album, your first one bought in major sells and you've received a lot of awards. Remember you always want to be better than the last." She informed and I nodded.

"I hope all goes well." She added hugging me. "Yeah.. me too." I mumbled. "Me too." 

"Welcome back woe!" Caine shouted as he held his cup up. I left a few months ago to get some sense of peace and better understanding of this life shit.

Without having my lil twin on my hip or bugging me, then Tanya doing so well with her music I had to go.

I went about it the wrong way cuz I was scared that she would find someone else and forget a nigga.

So I picked an argument and said some shit I shouldn't have. She tried to call after she left, but a nigga couldn't face her.

She was too forgiving of a nigga and I had to make my own self suffer just so I understood how much I needed her.

I knew about her tours, I drifted off to a few of them, seeing her so happy but also so broken had a nigga heart aching.

I had to get away and change.. if not for me then for her. She deserved unconditional love and happiness and I couldn't give her that due to still dealing with Nina not being around.

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