14.) When You Really Love Someone

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Storming into the house, Tanya searched all of downstairs for August. She was still angry, since she wasn't used to feeling THIS angry she was really about to go about it the wrong way.

But to her it was the "right" way.

Not finding him downstairs she stomped upstairs as multiple things began to play in her head.

Walking into their bedroom she heard the shower and music coming from August's bathroom.

Walking into it, she met him at the door and before he could even think she punched him.

Not stopping there, she hit him again, trying to process it all, it took some time before he let it register, after being hit the third time he grabbed her hand only for her to snatch away.

See while Tanya was gone, she not only drowned herself in music and touring, she also took up boxing and MMA classes.

August was a street nigga, he could handle her but it was gonna take some time due to how angry she was.

"FUCKING BASTARD!!" She yelled hitting him again, trying his hardest not to lay hands on her.

He began to block her hits to his face allowing her to hit him in his torso area and blocked the kick she sent to his groin area.

"STOP!" He barked, walking then out the bathroom but she kept on swinging. "I HATE YOU!!" She screamed swinging wildly.

Growing tired of it, he swooped her up by her legs as if they were playing football and body slammed her on the bed.

Shocked at what he just did, she stared up at him as the tears continued to fall.

"I'm not gonna hit you, but if you hit me again I'm leaving and thas on everything I love." He warned her as he pinned her arms above her head.

"Let me go." She gritted trying to use her knees to move him but he held them down with his left hand.


He yelled licking over his bottom lip, he tasted blood that she caused from the second hit she gave him.

Letting her go, he walked into the bathroom to shut off the shower, removing his hoodie he stepped back into the room and quickly grabbed her arm when he noticed she had a bag and was trying to leave.

"What da fuck wrong wit you?" He asked snatching her bag, turning around she reached for it and he pushed her back gently.

"You not going no where, calm da hell down." He told her simply, not liking his arrogance, she stormed into the closet and grabbed another bag and began to throw anything inside.

"GET OFF OF ME!!" She screamed trying to get out of his hold, "LET ME GO!" She shouted moving wildly in his arms.

Letting her go, she faced him and smacked him right in his face. Testing her luck again, she swung again but he caught her arm mid swing.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" He barked tossing her on the bed.

Hovering over her, he snatched her jeans off. "You want me ta leave?" He asked pinning her hands above her head.

"Let me go!" She gritted trying to move, but couldn't. Letting her hands go to remove her sweater, he pinned them back above her head then ripped her panties.

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