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A day later

"What are you doing up?" Mary asked as I walked slowly into the living room. "Got tired of laying there." I spoke trying to ignore the pain. 

"Tanya you're pretty banged up.. you needa go back in the room." She said coming to touch me but I swatted her hand away.

"I'm.. fine." I lied sitting down slowly in the nearest chair. "And Beyoncé is my daughter..right." She replied sarcastically, looking at her, I decided to ignore that statement.

"Where are the guys?" I asked stopping her from touching me. "Came in late left before daylight hit." She replied walking into her kitchen.

Looking around at her house, I never really took the time to study it. "Tell me again why you rather risk going to jail to help August them.. illegally?"

I asked as I took slow deep breaths. "Well a-" before she could finish they walked through the door laughing and being loud as hell.

"Tanya what da hell you doing out da bed?" August asked coming to my side. "I'm bored here.. I needa write or something I'm gonna lose my damn mind. If I have to listen to another story about her ex's."

I gritted, chuckling he stood up and picked me up as well. "If you take me in that room I'm gonna best yo ass." I threatened and Caine them laughed.

"Why you gotta do all dat?" He asked laughing as he turned around and sat on the sofa with me on his lap.

"Cuz I'm bored and she nosy." I whispered the last part. Giving me the "yeah right" look, he waved it off and I rolled my eyes.

"How you feel?" Ron asked sitting in the chair I was previously in. "Hard to tell if I'm getting better or worse." I replied closing my eyes briefly.

"Thas why yo ass should be in bed." Caine stated plopping down next to us. Looking at him, he pulled some stuff out a bag.

"Shut up.. where's Big T?" I asked looking towards the front door. "Had to check in on his fam.. he'a be back." August answered.

"What's that?" I asked looking over Caine's shoulder. "Work." He replied opening one of the folders and I saw my dad picture.

"Wait!" I said trying to take it but he pushed my hand away. "Mind yo business." He added and I smacked him in the back of his neck.

August and Ron erupted in laughter and he stared at me like I lost my mind.. maybe I did.

"Calm yo lil ass, cuz I'll beat yo ass in front of August. I ain't Tre or Wilma." He said with a serious expression, I had to stare at him for a while to see if he was serious.

But then he started laughing, "Boy if you ever threatened me like that again I may just shoot you, cuz I'm crazy." I said matching his tone.

"I guess we gon be in Set it off and you gon be Cleo huh?" He said and everyone started laughing. "For your information she went out like a G, worst case scenario, we'd both be dead."

I said making them laugh more and when I went to my stomach started hurting. "Aw damn." I mumbled leaning forward some.

"Told you to stay in bed." Mary said putting a plate of food on the table then grabbed my arm. "I got it." I said pulling from her.

"Tanya calm yo ass down." August warned standing up. "Oh shut up.. I need my damn book." I stressed.

"I'll get it, you stay with her." Ron spoke up, looking his way I rose my brow. "Where is it?" He asked looking at me. "I think I left it at the house." I replied.

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