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"Tanya?... Tanya?" The familiar voice called, stretching, I rubbed at my eyes and sat up. Blinking a few times cuz I was no longer in bed or at home.

"I've been calling your name for twenty minutes." Nina said coming into view, smiling I hopped off the bed and hugged her.

"How are you?" I asked following along side her. "I'm good, how you feeling?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I feel fine, should I be worried?" I questioned. "I guess it depends on how you'll take da news." She replied and I frowned.

"What news?" I asked as we got to my moms room. "Can't say." She answered and I smacked my lips.

"Why would you.. never mind." I said shaking my head. "Girl I say a lot of things I'm not supposed to, you should know that by now." She informed and I laughed.

"Yeah you right." I added then frowned not seeing my mom. "She'll be here." She assured and I smiled.

Taking a seat at the piano, Nina waved her hand and I couch and tv appeared. "Hungry?" She asked sitting down.

"No." I replied playing with the keys. "You'll be soon." I heard her say but I brushed it off. "Where is m-." Before I could finish my sentence my mom popped in.

"Look at my baby." She cooed opening her arms and I got up and ran towards her. Hugging her tightly I took in her new scent.

"You smell like marshmallows." I said and she laughed. "I'm gonna be smelling like this for... well it's s new fragrance I wanted to try." She said and I looked at her and Nina strangely.

"Why y'all acting so.. different?" I asked sitting back down. "We're not, you just think we are." She replied sitting by me and began to play the keys.

"Did y'all bring me here since I was thinking about y'all?" I asked following her lead. "Yeah we figured you wanted to talk." She answered and I smiled.

"I just missed y'all and wanted to be in y'all company." I admitted and they laughed. "So... Tre." She started and Nina zoomed over to us almost knocking me over.

"Sorry." She apologized and I laughed. "What about him?" I asked avoiding looking at them. "How do you feel about him... being dead?" My mom asked and I shrugged.

"He was gonna kill me." I answered pushing on the key. "So you're okay with what happened?" Nina asked and I nodded.

"I mean I did beat on him as well, kill or be killed." I said and they shared a look. "Oh don't tell me I'm going to hell for that?" I said getting nervous and they both laughed.

"No." My mom assured and I let out a breath. "What about August them?" I questioned, "They're changing their lives around.. that's all you needa worry about." She informed and I pouted.

"Why can't you tell me?" I asked. "Cuz you nosey." Nina teased and I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Why are you tryna get him to sing so bad?" Nina asked and I shrugged. "If he does prosper you're gonna be upset cuz y'all won't have time to spend together, I advise you to let him do that when he's comfortable and ready." My mom added.

"He already told me he wasn't going to.. even though I wanted him to." I told them. "You got a lot on your plate and it's best August is around to help.. be grateful of what y'all got." She explained and I twisted my lips.

"Ron wants to be friends again.. but you do stubborn." She announced and I stood up and sat on the couch and just stared at the tv.

"We talked.. but he left.. he has to understand he hurt me." I spoke as the tv started playing scenes of him and I.

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