The Birth Of The Vision (Part 3)
One Shot #1 (Cont.)
Vision's POV
I continued to lie in bed with my arms wrapped around Wanda for the rest of the night, though I didn't sleep myself because I don't require much sleep. Wanda slept soundly for the rest of the night and still is asleep right now. I want to do something nice for her to lift her spirits even further. I'm going to bring her breakfast in bed. I carefully climb out of her bed and float to the kitchen, scooping up some eggs, bacon, and toast that Dr. Banner made for everyone. Most people call him Bruce but I prefer formalities for the most part. The only person I seem to want to call nicknames is Wanda. Ah, my precious Wanda... my Wanda? These thoughts need to stop floating around in my mind. I'm not human but she technically is. It would never work out. How on Earth would a beautiful girl like her fall for a piece of machinery like me? It'd be absurd.
I shake the thoughts away from my mind and bring back Wanda's breakfast to her, who just so happens to be awake now. In addition to her food, I brought her apple juice for a drink because I heard most humans like to drink that in the morning. "Good morning Wanda. I know you're tired so I thought I'd bring you breakfast in bed. I hope you like it." She sits up and smiles a lovely smile. "This is really sweet of you. Thank you Viz." I smile and can feel myself... blushing even though I can't show it. I love the way my name rolls off of her lips. It's quite attractive. "You're very welcome Wanda. I'll leave you be so you can eat in peace. I get up to leave but Wanda's hand reaches out to grab mine. "No, stay. I mean if you want to that is." She's adorable. "I would love to stay." I sit down beside her in bed and watch her eat her breakfast, which seems to be enjoying a lot.
After breakfast...
Wanda and I part so she can train for awhile with Captain Rogers and Clint while I'm needed in the lab by Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner. They want to run a few tests on me to make sure that I'm running up to speed to sort of speak. I agreed to it even though I know I'm fine. At least I get to be as the humans say, "lazy."
A few hours later...
Wanda is back from training and is in the kitchen eating supper with the rest of the Avengers. Her and Clint appear to be deep in conversation and I would hate to interrupt them so I linger back a few minutes before Clint notices my presence. He turns around quickly, smirks at me, and motions for me to join them. I smile nervously at join them. "Hey Clint, Wanda, and everyone else." Everyone gets me a friendly hello. In addition to that, Wanda gets up in front of everyone and hugs me. I can feel the stares of a hundred eyes right now but I don't care. I love the fact that Wanda is able to let her guard down a bit, especially around me. If I could just get her alone again, I'd be able to ask her what has been on my mind all day, which is asking her out on a date. I've heard that this is what humans do when they want other humans to be theirs. I hope it works out in my favor.
After supper...
The rest of the Avengers leave to go back to what they were doing earlier except Wanda and I. This is wonderful! I can finally ask her my important question. "Wanda, if you're not busy, could I borrow you for a few minutes more?" Wanda looks up into my eyes, melting my iron heart. "You may." I motion for her to sit down and she does. I try to sit but my nerves get to the best of me, causing me to stay standing. "Viz, are you okay? Something seems to be bothering you." I scratch the back of my head and sigh. "Wanda, there's something I need to ask you, but I'm worried that you might not like it." Wanda gets up and walks over to me, taking me by surprise by taking my hands in hers, squeezing them gently. She's not even bothered by the fact that are quite hard compared to hers. "Wanda, I'm quite fond of you, more fond than I should be over a human. I've developed these strange feelings, possibly of love in such a short period of time. You're all I think about from morning to night."
Wanda's eyes nearly pop out of her head. I guess she wasn't expecting this to come out of my mouth. To be honest, I didn't either. "Well the point to my rambling is that I would like to take you out on a proper date to further explore these feelings. Would you go out on a date with me?" She blushes and her shocked expression turns into a smile. "I would love to go out on a date with you Viz. Just plan it out and let me know the details soon." I nod with a smile. Before going back to her chambers, Wanda takes me by even further surprise by giving me a kiss on the cheek. The feeling is warm and tingly, I don't know if I'm supposed to like it but I do. I want her lips to make contact with my skin again and again. I'm going to do my best to properly woo her on our date coming up soon.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...