Wakanda (Part 1)
One Shot #22
Vision's POV
Wanda and I have been in hiding in Scotland for awhile. We've been trying to avoid the war that's about to approach for as long as possible. We'll fight if needed, but otherwise, we just want to keep each other safe. Our relationship has become quite serious over the past year. We'll probably even end up getting married at some point. "Wanda, what do you think we should do?" She looks at me seriously. "I hate to say it Viz, but we need to fight. This war is looming over our heads and it's coming quickly. Steve has tried to call me five times the past couple of days. It's clear that he needs our help. I wince but nod. "Tony's been calling me off and on all day too. You call Steve and I'll call Tony. We'll pack and leave for where the two of them are first thing in the morning." She nods and goes off to call Steve while I talk to Tony. He yells at me for a couple of minutes for ignoring his calls but I simply tell him that I was occupied with a personal matter.
"Vision, I know you and Wanda have been playing house in Scotland for awhile. You can't fool me." I sigh. "We just wanted a break from all of the fighting. Have you and Steve finally made up?" "No we haven't. I'm currently in New York with Doctor Strange and he's on the run with Natasha, Bucky, and the rest of his team that fought in the Civil War. He likes Wanda as a friend so I'm sure he'll tell her his location and want her to fight for him. I was hoping you could fight with me like the old times." "I will fight with you Tony, but not against Steve. We can split up for a bit but eventually we all will be fighting as a group. If that's not the case, then I will have to decline your request." "Fine Vision, we'll do that. Make sure your girl sweet talks Steve. That power of hers comes in handy." "Will do. Bye Tony." "Bye Vision." I hang up the phone and go into our bedroom to find Wanda just getting off of the phone with Steve. "What did Steve say?" Wanda sighs. "We wants me to meet him where him, Natasha, Bucky, and some of the others are." I raise an eyebrow at her. "Which is?" "Wakanda."
I scratch my head. "Why on Earth are they in Wakanda?" "Apparently they've been hiding out there for awhile and trying to protect the Soul Stone. Thanos is threatening to still all six stones needed for his gauntlet." I gulp nervously. "You do realize that one of them is literally in my head?" Wanda begins to panic. "I-I do. Viz, come with me to Wakanda. I need to keep you safe." I look at her sadly. "Tony Stark needs me back in New York." "Tony doesn't need you. He has Stephen Strange and Bruce Banner. He'll be fine." I look at her hesitantly. "I hate to piss him off even further." "Tony gets pissed about nearly everything. What's one more thing to add to that list?" I nod in agreement. "I suppose you're right. Let me call him back really quick." I dial Tony and call him, politely telling him that Steve needs to see me for a bit because him and I haven't talked in awhile. He grumbles in frustration but tells me that he'll see me soon.
Wanda looks at me curiously. "How did he take the news?" I shrug my shoulders. "About as good as he could take it. I had to exaggerate a bit saying that Steve really needed to talk to me seeing that we haven't done so in awhile. Is Steve okay with me coming with you to Wakanda?" She nods. "I mentioned you to test the waters and he was okay with it, as long as you don't mention anything confidential to Tony." "I won't. I'll keep it to myself." "Then it's settled, we're heading to Wakanda first thing in the morning. We better pack what we need and leave the rest." I nod in agreement. Right as Wanda starts to pack, I notice her body tense up and her hands begin to shake. "Wanda, what's wrong?" She hesitantly turns around to face me, tears glazing her vision. "Vision, I really love Scotland. Spending the past year here with you has been amazing. I really hope we can come back here after this is all over. I also hope it isn't destroyed after this is all over."
I wrap my arms around her from behind, holding my love close to me. "Wanda, I can't promise anything like that, but I'll hope for the best. That's all you can do as well. No matter what happens, we'll be together. Home is where ever you are." She leans her head on my shoulder and wipes stray tears away with the back of her hand. "Home is where ever you are too Viz." We finish packing in silence, eat a little bit, freshen up with hot showers and brushing our teeth, and call it a night. Tomorrow's going to be a very long day.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! Also, Merry Christmas everyone! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...