Prom (Part 1)
One Shot #24
Vision's POV
There's this beautiful popular girl in school named Wanda Maximoff whom I've had a crush on for quite some time now, but I don't have the guts to ask her out. What's been bumming me out even more lately is the fact that prom is coming up in a couple of weeks. I know that if I don't work up the courage to ask her within the next few days, someone else will be me to it. I'm a total nerd. I have two friends named Bruce and Clint. Clint is a total badass and honestly too appealing to be friends with Bruce and I, yet he still chooses to do so. It impresses me. As for Bruce, him and I are huge nerds. We're heavily invested in every math and science club the school has to offer.
Anyways, Bruce and Clint have both been bugging me to create a promposal for Wanda. As much as I want to, I know she'd reject me. I'd reject me. "Guys, she'll turn me down and I'll become the fool of the school." Clint rolls his eyes at me. "You won't know until you try Vision. Bruce and I will be there to support you no matter what the outcome will be." I sigh. "Fine, I'll create a promposal tonight since I don't have much homework, but on one condyition." Bruce smirks. "What's the condition?" I smirk back at him. "You two help out in case she rejects me, we can all look like idiots rather than just me." They sigh but nod in agreement, confirming that they both will help me with the promposal. "Thank you boys. I'll text you both tonight to let you know how it's going to go down tomorrow." We all bro hug before parting ways for the night. When I get home, I finish my homework as quickly as I possibly can and dive right into the promposal.
I got the perfect promposal idea! I'm going to create an equation on my graphic calculator and hand it to Wanda tomorrow to see if she can solve it on her own. If she can't, I'll help her solve it. I'm going to use some formulas, mash them up together, and spell the word prom in graphics. I think someone has done this before, but it's a promposal that I'd be good at and will enjoy, even if my heart gets stomped on. I spend the next three hours trying to figure out how to do it, but finally manage to be successful. I take a screenshot of it, sending it to Bruce and Clint in a group chat. They both text back a few minutes later and praise me for my unique promposal idea. I then explain to them what their role will be in the promposal tomorrow, which is that they will hold up a banner that has a heart around the word prom if all else fails. I also asked my mom if she could pick me out a bouquet of roses at the store while she was there because Wanda's favorite kind of flower are roses.
A little while later...
Bruce and Clint are all up to speed on their role in the promposal and the promposal itself. I made sure to write down the formulas needed to create the word "prom" on the calculator in case my clumsy self erases the data off of the calculator by accident. My mom also got home from the store with a lovely bouquet of pink roses in hand along with some groceries. I thank her profusely and make sure to keep them safe for the night. My mom then makes us steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner. My mom is a single mother who works full time as a nurse at the local hospital. I respect her so much. She works crazy hours five days a week to make sure that she's able to provide for the both of us. My dad left her when I was two, but that's no real loss. If a husband can't stick around through both good and bad times, then he not only isn't a real husband, but he's also not a real man. He's a coward. I'm glad he's not in our lives anymore.
I'm a junior in high school and just turned sixteen recently. Wanda's a sophomore and is fifteen, which means there's only a one year age difference between us. Speaking of Wanda, I'm telling my mom all about the promposal and she thinks it's adorable. I wince at her word choice. I know it's a motherly word, but it makes my promposal sound a bit childish rather than sophisticated. I sigh but smile at her, thanking her for supporting me in everything I do. She then tells me that she loves me and I do the same. We then have some cake for dessert before we both get ready for bed and call it a night. Both of us have important days tomorrow, my mom working a ten hour shift at the hospital me and promposing to the most incredible girl in school. Wish us both luck.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...