Not Heroes But Not Villains Either (Part 2)
One Shot #11 (Cont.)
Vision's POV
I'm currently in a board room of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters trying to get Nick Fury and the Avengers to see my perspective on Wanda and Pietro. There's a lot of mixed reactions from my report. Thor, Steve, and Clint are on my side while Natasha, Tony, Bruce and Nick are skeptical. I'm trying to get a few more words in, but everyone's bickering is getting in the way of that. I'm not a fan of yelling, but I think that is one of those desperate times, meaning desperate times call for desperate measures. "CAN YOU ALL JUST BE QUIET?" Everyone looks at me with surprise, taken aback by my yelling. There's an awkward moment of silence before Steve breaks it. "Vision, I'm sorry. It isn't fair for us to be bickering while you're trying to give us a report. Please finish what you're saying." I silently thank him and when I see that everyone else is willing to listen, I continue speaking.
"I'll admit that Wanda aka the Scarlet Witch and Pietro aka Quicksilver aren't heroes, but they aren't villains. Yes they've caused a lot of destruction but not by their choice. They were brainwashed by both Hydra and Ultron. I don't mean to play a sob story card, but you should have heard them talk about everything they've been through in their short lives. It pulled my heartstrings, even though I technically don't have a heart. They did what they had to survive. Isn't that what most of us did before becoming Avengers?" Everyone nods in agreement, giving me a slight feeling of satisfaction. "With that being said, please absorb all of us and try to understand. I'll give you all some space to come to a decision." I turn to leave the room when Nick Fury stops me from doing so. "Vision, I'm not a person who enjoys admitting that I was wrong... but I was wrong. Actually, the majority of us were."
Tony gets up and puts a hand on Fury's shoulder. Fury glares at him for doing so but it doesn't seem to phase Tony. "Mr. Director here is right. Wanda and Pietro are barely in their twenties. They're simply young and dumb, which means that they're still learning their way in the world." Fury nods in agreement. "Vision, I hate to bother you after a long shift, but can you go back to their cell and tell them that we're willing to set them free... on one condition." I look at him quizzically. "Which is?" "Wanda and Pietro Maximoff will be set free if they become Avengers. Both of them have unique powers that would make them good assets for this team." I frown slightly. "That's not what they wanted though. They didn't want to be heroes nor did they want to be villains. They just wanted the freedom to live as they please and practice their powers in piece. Them being forced into joining the Avengers is just as bad as keeping them trapped in that horrible jail cell."
Steve joins my side and puts a hand on my shoulder, which I assume is a comforting gesture to attempt to calm me down. I know his heart is in the right place, but the thought of forcing these two young people to do yet something else they don't want to do is horrifying in my eyes. "He's right Fury. We can't force them into joining the Avengers. We can offer them positions, but if they say no, then they say no." I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Steve has my back. Nick glares at us and sighs. "Fine. Vision, just go. I'm too tired to debate with on this further." I mutter a few wise cracks about Fury under my breath as I walk out the door and fly to Wanda and Pietro. I get there pretty quickly. Both of them are engrossed in an intense conversation. My sudden presence takes them by surprise and they both jump slightly, though they relax when they realize that it's just me.
Wanda is the first one to walk over to me, looking at me with curiousity. "Vision, you haven't even been gone two hours. What brings you back here so soon?" I use my powers to vaporize the bars on the cell. I then smirk at her. Pietro shoots me a grin. "We're free, aren't we?" I smile at him. "You are. I managed to get through to Nick Fury and the rest of the Avengers. You're so totally welcome." Wanda takes me by surprise by flinging herself into my arms, bursting into tears. "Thank you so much Vision. However can I repay you?" I look at her with warmth in my eyes. "You could consider joining the Avengers. I was asked to offer both you and Pietro spots on the team, though I can understand if you both wish to decline." Pietro gently pulls Wanda off of me and wraps an arm around her. "We'll take them." Wanda and I both look at him with surprise, asking "Really?" in unison.
Pietro looks from me to her and back to me. "Really." He then turns to face Wanda. "Wanda, I know that we were originally going to take a break from chaos, but let's be honest, chaos finds us no matter where we go. This is a great opportunity to redeem ourselves. If we were Avengers, people wouldn't be afraid of us anymore. I hate knowing that people, especially lost children like we once were are afraid us. Don't you want to change that?" Wanda bites her lip and nods. "I-I want to change that." Tears glaze Wanda's eyes. One falls and I wipe it away with my thumb. "We'll accept the spots on the team and come with you willing." I smile gently at her. "I'm glad to hear that." I then pull her aside and kiss her on the cheek. "For the record, you're too beautiful to cry." She blushes and gives me a hug before going back over to Pietro. The three of us head back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters and begin the start of their future.
Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...