An Avenger Wedding

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An Avenger Wedding 

One Shot #6

Wanda's POV

   Vision and I have been together for four years now. It's crazy how fast time flies by. Four years ago, Vision asked me to be his girlfriend and here I am about to get married to him. All of the Avengers, several agents, and friends are here to support us today. I'm so happy that everyone, especially the rest of the Avengers approved of us being together, let alone us getting married. Sure our marriage will be different from normal ones... but neither one of us is normal so oh well. Natasha is my maid of honor while Gamora, Mantis, and Nebula are my bridesmaids. I've only known them since we fought in the Infinity War together a year ago, but they're all really cool. Plus, I needed some more girls to represent me so I don't feel like a loser on my wedding day. 

   Natasha is helping me put on my dress while Gamora is doing my makeup. Gamora is a pro at makeup so I wanted only the best to make me look good on my wedding day. Natasha manages to zip me up completely and gasps. "Wanda, I'm not much of a girly girl and hate dresses, but you look so stunning in this dress. I'm so glad you picked this one. I truly think it was made for you." I smile. "Thank you Nat and I think so too." I turn to the rest of the girls. "Do you like it?" All of them, even Nebula, tell me that they like it. Gamora finishes the last touches on my makeup. "What do you think Wanda?" I crouch down slightly so I can see my face in the mirror. I gasp. I look incredible. A girlish squeal slips out, startling Gamora slightly. "It looks incredible! You did such a great job! Thank you Gamora!" She laughs. "You're very welcome Wanda." 

    The wedding music begins to play, causing my heart rate to rise quickly. My hands and legs begin to shake as I position myself to get ready to walk down the aisle. Pietro was supposed to walk me down the aisle, but as you know he's no longer here, nor has he been for years now. It's been difficult to cope with his loss, but I've managed to do so surprisingly. In his place, Clint's walking me down the aisle. Clint's like the father I've never had. I absolutely love him to death. It means everything to me that he stepped up to the plate to do this for me on my wedding day. I'll never forget that. Clint comes running into the completely out of breath. "W-Wanda, I'm here for y---." He doesn't finish that sentence because he's too busy looking me over. "Damn Wanda, you look amazing." I roll my eyes playfully and blush. "Thank you Dad." He playfully rolls his eyes back and extends an arm, which I take gladly. I take one last deep breath and begin heading down the aisle with him. 

   Vision's POV

   Wanda's arm in arm with Clint heading down the aisle and let me tell you, she looks beyond beautiful. The word to describe her beauty is perfection. Even though I don't technically have a heart, my chest is vibrating intensely. Wanda always looks beautiful, but she has simply taken my breath away. By the time she gets to me, it takes every fiber of my being for my legs not to give out on me. I extend my hands out for her to take and she does. I look down at her and smile like a dork. I mouth "You look stunning" to her. She smiles and mouths "You look so handsome to me." If I were even part human, I'd be as red as my normal skin tone now. Tony volunteered to play minister so we unfortunately have to suffer through a few lengthy speeches from him and a smirk plastered on his face throughout the entire ceremony. Somehow Tony is a certified minister. I'm assuming he got certified through the Internet. That's how most people do it these days, at least from what I've heard. 

  After what feels like forever, it's finally time for us to recite our vows. Neither one of us wanted to write ours down. Wanda and I prefer speaking from the heart, even though it's slightly more difficult for Wanda to do so than I. I'm still learning about certain emotions while she's an expert on them. Wanda and I stare at each other, trying to figure out who's going to go first. After a couple of minutes of doing so, Wanda volunteers to go first. I notice her hands shaking so I squeeze them gently, letting her know that it's okay. 

    "Vision, before I met you, I was in such a dark hole that I never thought I'd be able to see the light of day again. Then you came along and warmed my stone cold heart, which I honestly didn't think was possible. I've been in love before, but not as deeply as I am with you. I really do love you Vision. You make me so happy. Beside that, I feel safe when I'm with you. You're just so amazing in every single way and there's no one else I would rather love for the rest of my life than you Viz. Despite what others may say, you are definitely human to me. I know sometimes you think that you're a monster, but I promise you, you are the farthest thing from a monster. You have a really big heart, even though you don't technically have a heart." 

    I'm not much of a crier, but I'm actually tearing up. Wanda is the only person who's ever seen me as more than an android. The others are kind to me, but at the end of the day, they never see me the way that Wanda does. Wanda truly loves me and makes me feel special. I adore her. I take a deep breath and begin reciting my vows. 

  "Wanda, you are incredible. You are strong, beautiful, intelligent, kind, talented, fierce, powerful, and more. You're the only person who's ever truly accepted me as more than a piece of machinery." I look at the crowd and say "No offense" to which I get several "None takens". Wanda I love you. I don't care that you're human. I'm looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together. I know I'm an android, but my life span is about the same as yours more or less. Our future together will definitely be an adventure and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out." 

   I glance at Tony and see that his smirk has shifted into a sincere smile, which I return for a moment before looking back at Wanda. He then gives us permission to kiss each other. We crash our lips against one another just as a sea of cheers erupts all around us. Wanda and I just made history. We're the first two Avengers to marry a fellow Avenger. Who knows, maybe we'll inspire other Avenger romances to blossom. I know that Bruce and Natasha seem to be deeply fond of one another. Maybe they'll be next, only time can tell though. All I know for certain is that I'm truly happy being married to the love of my life. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! I got an energy burst to update today because I might not be able to update tomorrow, though I'm not a hundred percent certain on that just yet. :) -Mary 

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